shume oor Engels


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Papritur, dy kercenimet e perbashketa qe i kishin afruar permes dekadave, pak a shume u zhduken.
Suddenly, the two common threats that had pushed them closer together throughout decades, more or less evaporated.ted2019 ted2019
Kishte njerez te tille, sapo ju tregova disa shembuj, qe jane te mrekullueshem, qe besojne ne te drejtat e grave ne Arabine Saudite, dhe perpiqen dhe po perballen gjithashtu me shume urrejtje sepse po u japin ze kendveshtrimeve te tyre.
There were people like that, I just showed some examples, who are amazing, who are believing in women's rights in Saudi Arabia, and trying, and they are also facing a lot of hate because of speaking up and voicing their views.QED QED
Kjo u mundeson infermiereve dhe asistenteve te tyre qe te mos bejne pune te rendomta duke çuar gjera sa andej ketej por te harxhojne me shume kohe me pacientet.
And it frees up the nurses and the nurse's aides from doing that mundane work of just mechanically pushing stuff around to spend more time with patients.QED QED
I perngjante me shume kesaj: "Manal al-Sharif perballet me akuza per prishjen e qetesise publike dhe nxitjen e grave per te ngare makinen."
It was more like this: "Manal al-Sharif faces charges of disturbing public order and inciting women to drive."ted2019 ted2019
Sa shpejt qe e pashe mesazhinisha shume e lumtur...
Seeing the message got my feet off the floor.QED QED
Eshte nje pyetje shume e veshtire.
It's a very difficult question.QED QED
Dhe une jam shume i frikesuar.
And I'm scared too.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
E di se ajo cfare thashe nuk eshte shume e qarte.
I know what I have just said is simply not obvious.QED QED
Ne na duhen me shume burra me pushtet per te filluar ti vendosin ne prioritet keto ceshtje, dhe nuk e kemi pare kete gje akoma, apo jo?
But on a big scale, we need more adult men with power to start prioritizing these issues, and we haven't seen that yet, have we?QED QED
Disa thone se keni bere shume leke duke shperdare materiale ilegale.
Some say that you've made a lot of money by spreading illegal material.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nese nuk e dini lojen " checkers ", mund te kontrolloni ne google per te gjete informacione pak me shume per checkers.
If you don't know about checkers, you can check the Web and Google it to find a little more information about checkers.QED QED
Tashme u bene shume vite qe kam dale nga zona ime " e rehatise " dhe kam mesuar se, bota po merr tatepjeten, por jo ashtu siç e imagjinoni ju.
I have stepped outside my comfort zone enough now to know that, yes, the world does fall apart, but not in the way that you fear.QED QED
Lindi para dy vjet e gjysme, dhe une kisha një shtatëzani shume të vështirë sepse duhet të rrija pa lëvizur në shtrat për tetë muaj.
He was born two and a half years ago, and I had a pretty tough pregnancy because I had to stay still in a bed for, like, eight months.ted2019 ted2019
Me shume besim.
Faith, Guy.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Une e kam nje plan, por ne menyre qe t'jua them, me duhet t'ju tregoj nje histori te vogel, e cila jep pak a shume idene se per cfare behet fjale.
I do have a plan, but in order for me to tell you what that plan is, I need to tell you a little story, which kind of sets the stage.ted2019 ted2019
Pra kjo eshte nje kohe lulezimi dhe sa me shume shoh perreth, me shume bindem qe citati i fizikantit Freeman Dyson, nuk eshte aspak hiperbolik.
So this is a time of great flourishing, and the more I look around, the more convinced I become that this quote, from the physicist Freeman Dyson, is not hyperbole at all.QED QED
Te kam sjelle nje dhurate shume speciale...?
I got you a very special present...?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jam shume nervoz.
I'm too nervous.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Do te doja te kishim me shume kohe se bashku, por kjo eshte per nje here tjeter.
I wish we had more time together, but that's for another time.QED QED
Falenderoj zotin per shume ndere qe me ka bere.
I thank God for certain favors he has granted me.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dhe ajo qe sheh eshte, ne te majte ku kishte pak aktivitet ne kete zone te trurit, njerezit i kushtuan pak vemendje besimit ne pafajsine e saj dhe thane ajo meriton shume faj per aksidentin.
And what you can see is, on the left when there was very little activity in this brain region, people paid little attention to her innocent belief and said she deserved a lot of blame for the accident.ted2019 ted2019
Fusha e nanoteknologjise eshte shume interesante per tu studiuar ne kete drejtim sepse vete fjala nanoteknologji eshte permendur per here te pare
The nanotechnology sector is actually fascinating to study this, because the word itself, nanotechnology, came from within government.ted2019 ted2019
Me te vertet ti dine te beshe nga nje gje e thjeshte dicka shume te bukure.
Rhonda, you sure do have a knack for taking something simple and making it beautiful.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pergjigja del se per shume njerez eshte tani, kurdoqofte tani ndodh te jete.
The answer, it turns out, for most people, is now, wherever now happens to be.ted2019 ted2019
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