te oor Engels


pre / adposition

Vertalings in die woordeboek Albanees - Engels

( with a human referent) at (someone's) place


pre / adposition
Menyra me e mire te realizoni enderrat tuaja eshte te zgjoheni.
The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

reaktoret me neutrone te shpejte
fast-neutron reactor
mbreslenie te fuqishme
powerful impression
ta ndjen te
do you feel like
Te kam xhan
I love you
nuk mund te ndryshoj
irreversible damage
dinamika e nitrateve ne nje toke ranore te kultivuar me perime.com
yttrium nitrate
si te quajnë?
what's your name
te duë
I love you
te dua
I love you · i love you


Advanced filtering
Te Mt 24:3, si dhe në vargje të tjera, si 1Se 3:13 dhe 2Se 2:1, fjala parousía i referohet pranisë mbretërore të Jezu Krishtit, që kur hipi në fron si Mbret në ditët e fundit të këtij sistemi.
In Mt 24:3, as well as in other texts such as 1Th 3:13 and 2Th 2:1, the word pa·rou·siʹa refers to the royal presence of Jesus Christ since his enthronement as King in the last days of this system of things.jw2019 jw2019
E dija qe do ishte ketu duke folur me te.
I knew you'd come here to talk to him.QED QED
Gjithnje pret kukuvaja ime qe te mesoje mendimin tim per te rejat e dites.
Always takes my owl, should I wish to register an opinion on the news of the day.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ajo filloi te qepte.
She started tailoring.ted2019 ted2019
Prit te lutem, ne fillim bej nje foto me mua, Cemre.
Wait please, first take a photo of me with Cemre.QED QED
Ne te vertete, dikur isha predikues.
Actually, I used to be a preacher.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Keto jane tersisht ndryshe, dhe ato jane jashte zoterimit te diplomacise moderne.
These are quite different, and they are outside the grasp of modern diplomacy.QED QED
Kishte njerez te tille, sapo ju tregova disa shembuj, qe jane te mrekullueshem, qe besojne ne te drejtat e grave ne Arabine Saudite, dhe perpiqen dhe po perballen gjithashtu me shume urrejtje sepse po u japin ze kendveshtrimeve te tyre.
There were people like that, I just showed some examples, who are amazing, who are believing in women's rights in Saudi Arabia, and trying, and they are also facing a lot of hate because of speaking up and voicing their views.QED QED
Dhe perseri u ndava per arsye te gabuara.
Then I turned around and got a divorce for the wrong reasons.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
17 Përveç kësaj, i gjithë universi, nga atomet e deri te galaktikat, drejtohet nga ligje të qarta fizike.
17 Also, the entire universe, from atoms to galaxies, is governed by definite physical laws.jw2019 jw2019
Një i huaj te pusi
A Stranger at the Welljw2019 jw2019
Te e bejme me nje ngjyre tjeter, Do e bej me ngjyre te kuqe
So let's do a different color, I'll do the next one in red.QED QED
Le te shikojme se cfare mund te besh.
Let's see what you can do.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cunningham dhe Levine dorezuan kopjet e tyre ne ekspoziten e Rrefenjave te Bardit Bidell ne dhjetor te 2008.
Cunningham and Levine had lent their personal copies as part of Beedle the Bard exhibits in December 2008.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Deshiron te dish ndryshimin... midis nje makine luksoze dhe nje tjetre
You wanna know the difference... between this luxury car and a porcupine?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ekonomia e shkallezimit ben qe te kemi kete sjellje ne forme sigmoidale.
Economies of scale gave rise to this sigmoidal behavior.QED QED
Nqs nuk kemi asnjë ndikim, nqs ne nuk do kishim paragjykime, çfarë lloj formash mund te vizatonim ne nqs mundeshim të çlironim veten tonë eksperiencën tonë?
If we had no bias, if we had no preconceptions, what kind of forms could we design if we could free ourselves from our experience?ted2019 ted2019
E dija qe do te ishte e veshtire.
I knew it'd be bad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ju tregon se, ne fakt qeverite tona, te ndertuara vertikalisht, ndërtuan në modelin ekonomik të revolucionit industrial - hierarki vertikale, specializimin e detyrave, sturkturen e komandes-- i kane strukturat e gabuara krejtsisht.
It tells you that, in fact, our governments, vertically constructed, constructed on the economic model of the Industrial Revolution -- vertical hierarchy, specialization of tasks, command structures -- have got the wrong structures completely.ted2019 ted2019
Po kthehem te pika karburantit.
I'm gonna go to the gas station.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I gjen ne site te medha apo te vogla.
They're on sites big, they're on sites small.QED QED
Kjo u mundeson infermiereve dhe asistenteve te tyre qe te mos bejne pune te rendomta duke çuar gjera sa andej ketej por te harxhojne me shume kohe me pacientet.
And it frees up the nurses and the nurse's aides from doing that mundane work of just mechanically pushing stuff around to spend more time with patients.QED QED
McCartney tha per albumin, ne e kemi pasur periudhen tone te bukur, tani eshte koha per tu zgjeruar.
McCartney said of the album, "we'd had our cute period, and now it was time to expand."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Do te kthehem ne laborator dhe do te them, na duhen mesues.
I'll go back to the lab and say, we need teachers.QED QED
I perngjante me shume kesaj: "Manal al-Sharif perballet me akuza per prishjen e qetesise publike dhe nxitjen e grave per te ngare makinen."
It was more like this: "Manal al-Sharif faces charges of disturbing public order and inciting women to drive."ted2019 ted2019
204 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.