Olivtrast oor Engels


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Under denna period tar sig kommissionen att samla in tillf rlitlig information, framf r allt om antalet olivtr d, olivodlingarnas areal och sk rdar, p vilken den skall basera sitt f rslag till omfattande reform under r 2000.
During this period the Commission is committed to gathering reliable information, particularly about the number of olive trees, the areas planted and yields, on which to base its proposal for an extensive reform in the course of the year 2000.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Inneh llet 55,8 62,9 0,44 79,92 2,99 202,05 Utnyttjat 46,57 35,36 0,42 23,73 1,26 107,34 Skillnad 9,23 83,5% 27,54 56,2% 0,02 95,5% 56,19 29,7% 1,73 42,1% 94,71 53,1% ( 1 ) De tg rder man vidtagit omfattar kontroll av olivflugan ( Dacus oleae ) och andra skadeg rare, f rb ttring av villkoren f r behandling av olivtr d, tg rder f r insamling, lagring och pressning, tekniskt st d under produktions ret till odlare och fabriker, f rb ttring av hanteringen av rester, utbildning av och information till odlare och fabriker om oljekvalitet och milj effekter, inr ttandet av laboratorier f r analys av jungfruolja och samarbete med specialister f r att f rb ttra jungfruoljans kvalitet och f rb ttra milj n.
Olive cultivation register Member State Amounts% ofuse 0,4% 45,7% 48,2% 115,2% 9,9% 63,9% Quality improvement programme Amounts Retained Used Difference 55,8 46,57 9,23 62,9 35,36 27,54 0,44 0,42 0,02 79,92 23,73 56,19 2,99 1,26 1,73 202,05 107,34 94,71 ( million ECU )% of use 83,5% 56,2% 95,5% 29,7% 42,1% 53,1% Retained Used Greece 101,37 0,42 Spain 106,06 48,43 France 0,85 0,41 Italy 169,18 194,87 Portugal 5,64 0,56 Total 383,1 244,69 Difference 100,95 57,63 0,44 Đ 25,69 5,08 138,41 ( 1 ) The actions undertaken cover the control of the olive fly and other harmful organisms; the improvement of conditions for the treatment of olive trees; harvesting, storage and pressing; technical assistance to growers and mills; the improvement of the disposal of residues; the training and information of farmers and mills on oil quality and environmental impact, the creation of laboratories for virgin oil analysis, and collaboration with specialists to improve the quality of virgin olive oil and improve the environment.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Under dessa tio r gjordes mycket stora nyplanteringar av olivtr d och produktionspotentialen kade betydligt, s rskilt i Spanien.
During that decade, a very large number of new olive trees were planted and there was a significant rise in production potential, especially in Spain.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Av de odlare som ans kte om st d under reglerings ret 1996 / 97 hade 36% i Spanien, 43% i Portugal och 35% i Grekland ( 1 ) mindre n 100 olivtr d ( en areal p ungef r en hektar ) och 38%, 61% respektive 41% hade producerat mindre n 250 kg olivolja.
Of the growers who applied for aid in the marketing year 1996 / 97, in Spain 36%, in Portugal 43% and in Greece 35% ( 1 ) had less than 100 olive trees ( areaofabout1ha ) and38%,61% and41% respectivelyhad produced less than 250 kg of olive oil.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Producenterna skall l mna in sk rdedeklarationer, som skall visa deras produktionspotential och varje f r ndring ver tiden ( totalt antal olivtr d och olivtr d i produktion, olivodlingarnas areal, tr dsorter och s vidare ).
The producers have to submit cultivation declarations, indicating their production potential and any changes over time ( total number of trees and those in production, area cultivated, varieties of trees, etc. ).elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Ett annat sk l till att kommissionen f reslagit verg ngsperioden f r reglerings ren 1998 / 99 till 2000 / 01 r behovet av mer tillf rlitlig information om framf r allt antalet olivtr d, olivodlingarnas areal och sk rdar.
Furthermore, one of the reasons the Commission has proposed the transitional period for the marketing years 1998 / 99 to 2000 / 01 is the need for more reliable information particularly on the number of olive trees, the areas planted and the yields.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
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