beder oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Sweeds - Engels

present tense of bedja.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Bad Liebenwerda
Bad Liebenwerda
ta ett bad, bada
Beda venerabilis
Bad Tour
Bad World Tour
be artigt
Bad Santa
Bad Santa


Advanced filtering
Urvalskommitt n b r kunna motivera sina beslut med hj lp av den bed mning av projektens kvalitet som g rs, eftersom de kvantitativa kriterierna g r det m jligt att snabbt identifiera ett projekts starka och svaga punkter och dessa d refter diskuteras i styrkommitt n.
The selection committee must be in a position to base its decisions on its appraisal of the quality of the projects, as it is possible, with the quantified criteria, to quickly identify the strengths and weaknesses of each project and to discuss them in the steering committee.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Denna strategi omfattar tillhandah llande av ett standardundantag som baseras p en reform eller ett reformpaket som bed ms ( eller bekr ftats ) vara betydande i l mplig omfattning.
This approach involves the provision of a standard allowance based on a reform or package of reforms being assessed ( or verified ) as suitably significant.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
N r r kenskaperna uppr ttas r det ledningens ansvar att bed ma myndighetens f rm ga att forts tta verksamheten, upplysa om fr gor som r r dess status n r det g ller fortsatt drift och anv nda antagandet om fortsatt drift som grund f r r kenskaperna.
In preparing the accounts, management is responsible for assessing the AgencyŐs ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Det gemensamma f retaget Ecsel har vidtagit tg rder f r att bed ma de nationella finansieringsmyndigheternas genomf rande av efterhandsrevisioner och har f tt skriftliga uttalanden fr n de nationella finansieringsmyndigheterna d r de anger att till mpningen av deras nationella f rfaranden ger rimlig s kerhet om transaktionernas laglighet och korrekthet.
The ECSEL Joint Undertaking has taken steps to assess the implementation of ex-post audits by the NFAs and has obtained written statements from the NFAs declaring that the implementation of their national procedures provides reasonable assurance on the legality and regularity of transactions.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Revisorn v ljer vilka tg rder som ska vidtas, bland annat genom att bed ma riskerna f r att det finns v sentliga felaktigheter i r kenskaperna och f r att de underliggande transaktionerna i v sentlig utstr ckning inte uppfyller kraven i Europeiska unionens r ttsliga ram, vare sig det beror p oegentligheter eller fel.
The procedures selected depend on the auditor ’ s judgement, which is based on an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the accounts and material non-compliance by the underlying transactions with the requirements in the legal framework of the European Union, whether due to fraud or error.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
GD Jordbruk och landsbygdsutveckling kr ver att de attesterande organen ska bed ma hur representativa de utbetalande organens urval r.
DG AGRI requires CBs to assess the representativeness of the PAsŐ samples.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Vi bed mde behovet av de granskade projekten och deras behov av EU-st d, deras kopplingar till den europeiska ATM-generalplanen och det gemensamma pilotprojektet samt varje projekts output s h r l ngt, tillsammans med deras inverkan p prestandan hos den europeiska flygledningstj nsten.
We assessed the need for the projects examined and for their funding by the EU; their links with the European ATM Master Plan and the Pilot Common Project; and each projectŐs outputs to date, together with their impact on the performance of European ATM.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Revisorn v ljer vilka tg rder som ska vidtas, bland annat genom att bed ma riskerna f r att det finns v sentliga felaktigheter i r kenskaperna och f r att de underliggande transaktionerna i v sentlig utstr ckning inte uppfyller kraven i Europeiska unionens r ttsliga ram, vare sig det beror p oegentligheter eller fel.
The procedures selected depend on the auditorŐs judgement, which is based on an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the accounts and material non-compliance by the underlying transactions with the requirements in the legal framework of the European Union, whether due to fraud or error.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Vi granskade ans kningar om st d och betalningsans kningar f r projekt f r perioden 2014Đ2020 d r f renklade kostnadsalternativ anv nts och j mf rde dem med projekt fr n perioden 2007Đ2013 ( n r f renklade kostnadsalternativ inte anv ndes ) f r att bed ma huruvida ans kningsf rfarandena blev enklare.
We reviewed applications for support and payment claims for 2014-2020 projects paid through SCOs and compared them to projects from the 2007-2013 period ( when SCOs were not used ) to assess whether the application and claim procedures became easier.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
61. verg ngen fr n ENS 95 till ENS 2010 inneb r att kravet f r ett visst r kan ha ber knats med ENS 95, medan bed mningen av den finanspolitiska insatsen gjordes med ENS 2010.
The transition from ESA95 to ESA2010 meant that the requirement for a given year may have been calculated using ESA 95 while the assessment of the fiscal effort was made using ESA 2010.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
N r r kenskaperna uppr ttas r det ledningens ansvar att bed ma det gemensamma f retagets f rm ga att forts tta verksamheten, upplysa om fr gor som r r dess status n r det g ller fortsatt drift och anv nda antagandet om fortsatt drift som grund f r r kenskaperna.
In preparing the accounts, management is responsible for assessing the Joint Undertaking ’ s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Det gemensamma f retaget har reviderat tg rdsplanen f r 2015 mot bakgrund av de beslut som Iterr det fattade i juni 2016, och bed mer att planen f ljs i det stora hela.
F4E has reviewed the 2015 action plan in the light of the decisions taken by the ITER Council in June 2016, and considers that the plan is substantially unaffected.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Vi granskade tillg nglig statistik f r att bed ma i vilken utstr ckning Schengenl nderna anv nder systemen vid gr nskontroller och f r att utbyta information.
We reviewed available statistics in order to assess the extent to which the Schengen countries are using the systems for their border checks and for exchanging information.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
C 153 / 10 SV Europeiska unionens officiella tidning 18.6.2008 ber ttigandet till st d fr n fonden r mer komplicerat att bed ma.
C 153 / 10 EN Official Journal of the European Union 18.6.2008 vague and their eligibility for the Fund is more complex to assess.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
(15) Enligt de uppgifter som tillhandahållits av Frankrike och som är tillgängliga via Alstoms webbplats omfattar verksamheten ”industripannor” följande produkter (originalbeskrivningen endast tillgänglig på engelska): ”field erected boilers up to 300 ton/hour steam output; Fines Circulating Fluidised bed boiler FI CIRCTM up to 70 MWe output; package boilers for process steam up to 270 tot/hour; fossil fuelled plants up to 100 MWe output; biomass fuelled plants up to 100 MWe output; thermal waste treatment plants”.
(15) According to the information provided by France and available on Alstom’s website, the industrial boilers business includes the following products: field erected boilers up to 300 ton/hour steam output; Fines Circulating Fluidised bed boiler FI CIRCTM up to 70 MWe output; package boilers for process steam up to 270 ton/hour; fossil fuelled plants up to 100 MWe output; biomass fuelled plants up to 100 MWe output; thermal waste treatment plants.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Revisionsr tten granskade ven 43 andra utvecklingsprogram och utvecklingsprojekt ( totala taganden:1 073 miljoner euro ) d r milj skydd inte var det fr msta syftet, f r att bed ma hur v l milj aspekterna hade integrerats i dessa insatser.
In addition, it examined 43 other development programmes and projects ( total commitments:1 073 million euro ), where support to the environment was not the primary objective, in order to assess how well environmental aspects had been integrated into these interventions.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
54 Vid granskningen inf r v r s rskilda rapport11 unders kte vi om den gemensamma resolutionsn mnden har de verktyg som beh vs f r att p ett ndam lsenligt s tt genomf ra bankresolutioner och vi analyserade kvaliteten p n mndens resolutionsplanering f r enskilda banker samt bed mde om n mnden r 10 Den 1 januari 2018 hade antalet minskat till 127 banker och 119 bankkoncerner.
54 The special audit11 examined whether the SRB is equipped to carry out bank resolutions effectively and analysed the quality of the SRBŐs resolution planning for individual banks, whether the SRB was adequately set up to comply with its statutory 10 On 1 January 2018 the number had reduced to 127 banks and 119 banking groups.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
F r att bed ma hur konkurrenskraftig h ghastighetstrafiken p j rnv g egentligen r analyserades den totala restiden fr n stadscentrum till stadscentrum samt priserna f r de tillg ngliga alternativen.
To assess how competitive high-speed rail really is, total travel time from city centre to city centre and the prices of the available options were analysed.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Aktivitets-och effektindikatorerna Đ som b r utg ra grunden f r vervakningen och bed mningen av de framsteg som gjorts och av effekten Đ r inriktade p den politiska processen och inte p resultaten av st det i sig ( se punkterna 21Đ33 ).
The output and impact indicators Ń which should form the basis for monitoring and assessing progress and impact Ń concentrate on process at a political level, rather than the output and results of the aid itself ( see paragraphs 21-33 ).elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Vi kan öppna ett bed-and-breakfast och servera sirap intravenöst.
We can open a bed-and-breakfast and serve intravenous maple syrup to our guests.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Medan de estniska myndigheterna h vdar att de inte kan fastst lla ursprunget f r sm r i fri oms ttning skall ett s dant p st ende bed mas mot bakgrund av att veterin rintyg alltid m ste utf rdas av ursprungslandet och alltid f lja produkterna av h lsosk l.
While the Estonian authorities claim they cannot identify the origin of butter in free circulation such a claim has to be judged in the light of the veterinary certification which must be issued by the country of origin and which must accompany products at all times for health reasons.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Trots detta forts tter de respektive bed mningarna av programmets effekter p vattenf rbrukningen att skilja sig t.
Nevertheless, the respective assessments of its effects on the level of water consumption continue to differ.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Men p grund av en viktig ndring av redovisningspolicyn 2018 bed mdes risken avseende F4E vara medelh g.
However, due to an important change in accounting policy in 2018, the risk for F4E was reassessed as medium.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Riktlinjerna b r leda till en mer konsekvent informationsniv i bed mningarna och till att g ra den koppling som kr vs mellan de uppn dda resultaten och den samlade slutsatsen.
The Guidelines should indeed contribute to improve consistency on the level of information contained in the assessment and to establish the required link between the results achieved and the overall conclusion.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Eftersom de st dvillkor som anges i f rordningen fastst lldes i samband med dessa f rsta katastrofer var den erforderliga ( 1 ) Punkt 26 i det interinstitutionella avtalet mellan Europaparlamentet, r det och kommissionen om budgetdisciplin och sund ekonomisk f rvaltning. bed mningstiden ytterst kort.
As the eligibility rules in the Regulation were established in the context of these first disasters, the required assessment time was extremely short.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
241 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.