slow motion oor Engels

slow motion

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slow motion

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TV-repris i slow-motion (brittisk engelska; i amerikansk engelska instant replay)
action replay
repris i slow-motion
TV-repris i slow-motion
instant replay


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Timur, som i slow motion träder ut ur en brinnande byggnad med en baby i famnen.
Timur, emerging in slow motion from the blazing building, holding a baby.Literature Literature
Vill du se det en gång till i slow motion?
Want to see it again in slow motion?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kan du köra det i slow-motion?
Could you run it in slow motion?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nu känns det som att allt händer i slow motion.
Now it’s like everything’s happening in slow motion.Literature Literature
Som i slow motion började kanoten kantra.
As if in slow motion, the canoe began to tip.Literature Literature
Jättekliv i slow motion, ekande tystnad, vakuum runtomkring, miljontals tv-tittare.
Giant slow-motion steps, ringing silence, vacuum all around him, a television audience of millions.Literature Literature
Vi gjorde de här i slow motion för att visa resultaten av dina slag pa motstandarnas spelare.
These are in slow motion to show the impact of your blows on opponents.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
FN:s generalsekreterare, Ban Ki-moon, kallade den ”en tsunami i slow motion”.
The head of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, called it a “slow-motion tsunami.”Literature Literature
Ni stirrar på varandra i slow- motion, även om det är billigt så understryker det era respektive längtan
You' re both staring at each other in slow motion, which although cheesy and obvious, it underscores your respective yearningsopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Du har just gjort din första slow-motion entré.
You just got your first slow-motion entrance.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Det känns som om jag ser honom komma mot mig i slow motion.
It feels like I’m watching him move towards me in slow motion.Literature Literature
Sommaren släpade sig fram i slow motion.
The summer dragged by in slow motion.Literature Literature
Som en slow motion-scen i en actionfilm, för att understryka vikten av perfektion.
Like a slow-motion scene in an action flick, as if to underscore the importance of perfection.Literature Literature
Hela händelsen var som att se en bil krascha i superlångsam slow motion.
The whole experience was like watching a car crash in super slow motion.Literature Literature
Kör det i slow-motion.
Play it stop motion.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
l repris. l super-slow motion.
Again, in super slo-mo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
När jag föll tycktes det ske i slow motion, och trottoaren var mjuk som en dunkudde.
When I fell, it seemed to be in slow motion, and the sidewalk felt as soft as a feather-pillow.Literature Literature
– Killen som sköter slow motion-maskinen på hockeyn sitter här, så vi kallar den bara för slomon.
‘The guy who operates the slow-motion machine for hockey sits here, and we call it the slo-mo.Literature Literature
I slow motion såg han hur Johannes med ett förvånat uttryck föll bakåt, mot skördetröskans metall.
In slow motion he saw Johannes fall backward with a look of shock toward the metal of the combine.Literature Literature
Allt är i slow motion. Man har gott om tid på sig att bromsa eller väja.
Everything is in slow motion, you've got plenty of time to brake, you've got plenty of time to change direction.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Den sena baletten nedanför går i slow motion, de alltför breda pantomimrörelserna i blå gelé.
The late ballet below is slow motion, the overbroad movements of mimes in blue jelly.Literature Literature
Hon återupplevde alltid hela ögonblicket som en film i allt mer avsaktande slow motion.
She always relived the moment as a film running in increasingly slow motion.Literature Literature
En del internetsidor visar hela händelsen i slow-motion för att det syns mycket bättre på det sättet.
Some websites show the whole thing in slow motion because it's just so much better that way.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Miller, du gräsliga lilla man du visste att det skulle explodera i slow-motion.
Miller, you horrible little man... you knew that was gonna be a slow-motion explosion.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
På Badis rådde febril aktivitet, men Vivianne kände det som om hon rörde sig i slow motion.
A frenzy of activity was going on at Badis, but Vivianne felt as if she were moving in slow motion.Literature Literature
712 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.