stoppa i fickan oor Engels

stoppa i fickan

Vertalings in die woordeboek Sweeds - Engels


adjective verb noun
Jag vill se det du nyss stoppade i fickan.
And I'm going to need to see what you put in your pocket just then.
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Irene gav honom en hög med telefonlappar som han olästa stoppade i fickan.
Irene handed him a large heap of phone messages that he shoved unread into his pocket.Literature Literature
Innan han lämnade kontoret plockade han ut två fotografier ur en av utredningspärmarna och stoppade i fickan.
Before leaving the station he put two photographs from the case file into his pocket.Literature Literature
AXEL Alltså stoppat i fickan åtta!
That is to say, you put eight in your pocket.Literature Literature
En mössa kan man stoppa i fickan.
You could crush them and put them in your pocket.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jag vill se det du nyss stoppade i fickan.
And I'm going to need to see what you put in your pocket just then.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Han låste dörren med en liten nyckel som han stoppade i fickan.
He locked the door with a tiny key, which he placed in his pocket.Literature Literature
Alla pengar ni får in kan ni stoppa i fickan.
The money you make goes into your own pockets.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Han gav henne två hundrakronorssedlar som hon stoppade i fickan utan att se på dem
He gave her two hundred kronor in notes that she pocketed without even looking at them.Literature Literature
Den andra pirogen brukade han stoppa i fickan, inlindad i papperspåsen, och äta till lunch.
He would pocket the second pasty, wrapped in its paper bag, and eat it for his lunch.Literature Literature
Kanske hade han glömt nyckeln till båten eller något annat som man kan stoppa i fickan.
Perhaps he’d forgotten the key to the boat or something else that fit in a pocket.Literature Literature
Sedan sticks kortet försiktigt in i en bok, skrivdonen läggs undan, vantarna stoppas i fickan på hans jacka.
Then the card is carefully pushed inside a book, the writing things put away, the gloves slipped into his tunic.Literature Literature
Han hade föreställt sig en liten glasflaska som han skulle kunna stoppa i fickan.
He had imagined a small glass jar that he could put in his pocket.Literature Literature
Septimus drog på sig sin gamla röda stickade luva som han stoppat i fickan innan han gav sig iväg.
Septimus pulled on his old red beanie hat, which he had slipped into his pocket before he left.Literature Literature
Saros högerhand flög fram, grep tag i halsbandet och stoppade det i fickan.
Saro’s right hand shot out, grabbed the necklace, and stuffed it in his pocket.Literature Literature
Hon höll andan i trettio sekunder, stoppade medicinen i fickan och gick lugnt ut i korridoren.
Holding her breath for thirty seconds, she stuffed the medication in her pocket and strolled nonchalantly out the door.Literature Literature
Septimus drakring lyste klart i mörkret och han stoppade handen i fickan för att dämpa skenet.
Septimus’s Dragon Ring was shining brightly in the dark, and he pushed his hand into his pocket to douse the glow.Literature Literature
Hon lindade in den i sin näsduk och stoppade den i fickan.
She wrapped it in her handkerchief and put it in her pocket.Literature Literature
Det bälte säger att du är Världsmästare i tungviktsboxning... och jag tog de #... och stoppade dem i fickan
That belt say you the heavyweight boxing champion of the world... and I took that $#... and I put it in my armopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
När vi sitter i bilen igen avslutar jag ännu ett fejkat telefonsamtal och stoppar mobilen i fickan.
When we’re on the road again, I finish another imaginary phone call and stick the phone in my pocket.Literature Literature
Så la han det i en nästan lika liten bevispåse, zippade igen den och stoppade den i fickan.
Then he put it into evidence bag that was almost as small, zipped it shut and put it in his pocket.Literature Literature
Robin Gandy vek ihop brevet som han hållit i handen, och var på väg att stoppa det i fickan.
Gandy folded the letter, which he had held in his hand, and was about to slip it into his pocket.Literature Literature
Hon såg att han tryckte ner något i en handledsväska som han försökte stoppa ner i fickan på sin rock
“She saw that he was pushing something down into a clutch bag that he was trying to stuff into the pocket of his coat.”Literature Literature
En mördare, en slav ej tjugondelen utav tiondelen utav er förra man; en narr, en kortkung som land och rike snattade i mjugg och stal ifrån en hylla dyra kronan och stoppade i fickan.
A murderer and a villain a slave that is not twentieth part the tithe of your precedent lord, a vice of kings a cutpurse of the empire and the rule that from a shelf the precious diadem stole and put it in his pocket.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hon förmår inte röra sig när han nogsamt låser klassrumsdörren från insidan och stoppar nyckeln i fickan.
She is incapable of movement as he carefully locks the classroom door from the inside and puts the key in his pocket.Literature Literature
Han virade den runt benet och stoppade det i fickan.
He wrapped it around the bone and stuck it in his pocket.Literature Literature
447 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.