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Vertalings in die woordeboek Sweeds - Engels

be wide open

Det måste vara vidöppet.
It's got to be wide open, you know?
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Himlen var vidöppen därute, som om den försökte flytta horisonterna.
The sky was wide open out there, as though it were trying to move the horizons.Literature Literature
Hur du såg på mig, din mun var vidöppen som om du såg ett spöke.
The way you looked at me, your mouth hanging open like you were seeing a ghost.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jag kom ner och köksdörren var vidöppen.
I came down and the kitchen door was wide open.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hans mun var vidöppen och ur den kom vid varje utandning en pust av dålig andedräkt.
His mouth was wide open, and with every exhalation she could smell his bad breath.Literature Literature
Bakdörren var vidöppen och deras mobiltelefoner är fortfarande här.
The back door is wide open, and their cellphones are still here.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jag tappade en knapp så blusen var vidöppen.
I lost a button, so my blouse was wide open.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ja, förlåt men grinden var vidöppen.
yeah, sorry the gate was wide open.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Munnen var vidöppen och Martin kunde ana en viss förvåning i ansiktet.
His mouth was wide open and Martin could discern a certain surprise in his expression.Literature Literature
Dörren till huset bakom honom var vidöppen och därifrån kom farbror Kents röst, mitt inne i ett telefonsamtal.
The door behind him was wide open, and he could hear Uncle Kent’s voice in the middle of a phone call.Literature Literature
Hans mun var vidöppen, ögonen stela och Mia kunde snabbt konstatera att han var död.
His mouth was open wide, his eyes staring blankly, and Mia could quickly see that he was dead.Literature Literature
Munnen var vidöppen och hennes ögon slutna, och runt hennes hals spände en tvinnad våt handduk.
Her mouth was wide open and her eyes were closed; a twisted white hand towel was tightened around her neck.Literature Literature
Säkerhetsgruppen fann spår av en strid och hennes dörr var vidöppen.
Security detail found signs of a struggle and her door was wide open.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Din dörr var vidöppen.
Your door was wide open.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I och med att linjen mellan dem var vidöppen uppfångade hon det.
With the line between them wide open, she caught this.Literature Literature
Den var enorm, vidöppen, med ett skyhögt, cirkulärt tak och glänsade golv av marmor.
It was immense, wide open, with a soaring, circular ceiling and a marble, shining floor.Literature Literature
Enligt din berättelse när ni kom till Hollingsworth lägenhet, var dörren vidöppen.
According to your deposition, when you got to Rada Hollingsworth's apartment, the door was wide open.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Spekulationernas dörr var fortfarande vidöppen.
The door of speculation remained wide open.jw2019 jw2019
När de tog in dig var du vidöppen.
When they brought you in, you were wide-open.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Då vi fortfarande var ute på den stora ytan vidöppen terräng var vi alla vid det här laget tämligen synliga.
Still out on the expanse of wide open terrain, we were all fairly visible by now.Literature Literature
Jag tittade på Diegos ansikte – hans ögon var uppspärrade och munnen vidöppen.
I looked at Diego’s face—his eyes were wide, his mouth hanging open.Literature Literature
Sarah tryckte sin anka intill sig med munnen vidöppen och var förlorad för mänskliga ögon.
Sarah clutched her duck to her, mouth wide open in a shriek, and was lost to human sight.Literature Literature
Dörren till buren stod vidöppen och låset var borta.
The cage door was standing wide open, and the lock was missing.”Literature Literature
Grinden i smidesjärn stod vidöppen, och det var inte hon som öppnat den när hon körde in.
The wrought-iron gate stood wide open, and she hadn’t opened it when she drove in.Literature Literature
Badrumsdörren stod vidöppen och även där var det tomt.
The bathroom door stood wide open, and there too it was empty.Literature Literature
Det var blicken hos ett jagat djur, vidöppen, vild.
They were the eyes of a hunted animal, widened, wild.Literature Literature
55 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.