hujuma oor Engels


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Wafuasi wa chama cha PDRC walikwenda mbali zaidi na kuwataka watu kufanya hujuma kwenye uchaguzi huo.
Supporters of the PDRC event went further by asking the people to sabotage the election.






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(Ufunuo 12:9) Alianza hujuma zake katika bustani ya Edeni wakati alipomshawishi Hawa apuuze jambo alilojua linafaa na akamwasi Mungu.
(Revelation 12:9) He was seen in action in the garden of Eden when, by using specious reasoning, he persuaded Eve to ignore what she knew was right and to rebel against God.jw2019 jw2019
Wafuasi wa chama cha PDRC walikwenda mbali zaidi na kuwataka watu kufanya hujuma kwenye uchaguzi huo.
Supporters of the PDRC event went further by asking the people to sabotage the election.gv2019 gv2019
12 Hujuma (mashambulizi) za adui zenye kutisha na ahadi ya faraja (7:1–12:6).
12 Threatened enemy invasions and promise of relief (7:1–12:6).jw2019 jw2019
Sura za 7 hadi 12 zahusu hujuma (mashambulizi) zenye kutisha za adui na ahadi ya faraja na Mwana-Mfalme wa Amani aliyepewa utume na Yehova.
Chapters 7 to 12 deal with threatened enemy invasions and the promise of relief by the Prince of Peace commissioned by Jehovah.jw2019 jw2019
Hata hivyo, kwa kifungu cha sheria cha 295A cha hukumu cha Bangladesh (1860), mtu yeyoye mwenye lengo la “makusudi kamili” au “kwa hujuma” “kudhuru taratibu yoyote ya kidini” atahukumiwa kwenda gerezani.
However, Under Section 295A of Bangladesh's Penal Code (1860), any person who has a “deliberate” or “malicious” intention of “hurting religious sentiments” is liable to imprisonment.gv2019 gv2019
Rais Ruto alizomea vikali kampuni ya KEL Chemicals kwa kile alichosema ni hujuma kwa mpango wa serikali kuimarisha uzalishaji ili kupata lishe tosha.
President Ruto scolded the KEL Chemicals company for what he said was an attack on the government's plan to strengthen it to get enough nutritionJack Awinda Jack Awinda
Mwezi uliopita Barakah alitengeneza headlines na kuzua balaa baada ya kuenda kwenye vituo vya habari na kudai kuwa uongozi wake wa zamani ukiongozwa na Ali Kiba na meneja wake anauejulikana kama Seven wanamfanyia hujuma ili nyimbo yake mpya isifanye vizuri. Barakah alijitoa chini ya uongozi wa Rockstar 4000 kwa kile alichodai kuwa walimchelewesha kutoa kazi zake katika wakati husika.
It therefore bans them from airing, showing, disseminating or broadcasting, either through television, blogs or the Internet the person, name, face, image, likeness or picture of King Andre Omodayo Igo Churchill in the King Tonto Reality TV Show produced by Linda Ikeji Media Recall that Olakunle Churchill had gone to court to stop broadcast of the show, featuring his son,King. This, according to him is because the son is still a minor and can’t make major decisions for himself.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Adui au maji: mwongozo wa hujuma über kwamba ni kutumika dhidi ya Vichujio Lyft – Quiviger
The enemy or water: the manual of sabotage that über is used against Lyft filters – QuivigerParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Shirikisho la vyuo Vikuu lataja Hujuma bodi ya Mikopo- (HESLB) | KAPINGAZ
Bodi Ya Mikopo Ya Elimu Ya Juu Yatangaza Majina Ya Wanafunzi Waliokosea Kujaza Form Za Mikopo 2016/2017 | KAPINGAZParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Mbali na wizara ya madini, ilikuwaje wizara ya biashara na viwanda nayo haikufahamu kama hakuna mchezo mchafu hapa? Maana, ushahidi kuwa kuna mchezo mchafu, ni maneno ya Afisa mmoja wa madini aliyelalamika kuwa aliwahi kushughulikia sakata hili akasimamishwa kazi. Je wako wezi kama hawa wangapi nchini na wameishaliingizia taifa hasara kiasi gani? Je wapo watendaji wangapi wa serikali wako nyuma ya hujuma hii na kwa muda gani? Haiingii akilini eti kwa nchi yenye vyombo vyote vya usalama isiwe na taarifa za watu tena kutoka mbali kama China wenye rangi tofauti kwa miaka yote hii.
How if the NASA doesn’t trust the IEBC? Will wisdom dictate that Kenya amends its constitution to accommodate this eventuality? Third, apart from legal limbo and political imbroglio-cum-quandary, recently the situation took a bad turn when President Kenyatta and his deputy, WilliamRuto,attacked the decision; and referred to the Supreme Court as Kangaroocourt and judges wakora or crooks which is unfortunate and bad. Ironically, the same said that they will respect its decision!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Mwaka 2011ulianzia siku yaJumamosiambayo inatawaliwa na Sayari yaZohalna Nyota zake niMbuzi na Ndoo. Sayari hiiNyeusina inahusika na mambo mabaya, kama vile ndoa kuvunjika, vita, kuvunjika kwa vitu au kuanguka kwa Serikali, fitina, magomvi, vifo vya waandishi na watu maarufu, shida nyingi, maradhi mengi, hujuma, kuongezeka kwa hofu mabalaa kwa wasafiri wa bara na baharini, mvua kubwa maafa na majanga ya asili.
It's important to make a distinction between secular Fatah's decline into corruption, mismanagement, conspicuous consumption, toothlessness, and the meteoric ascendancy of Islamic Hamas which was born in 1987 as the purifier, conscientiously engaged in social and community work – schools, hospitals, clinics - the schools as indoctrination centres to impart jihadist zeal to the babies, along with their mother's milk.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ni pia hulinda, mfumo dhidi ya hujuma au shughuli nyingine ya Hackare, kukataa uhusiano wote ruhusa kutoka mifumo ya kigeni na kikomo mfumo wa kudhibiti maombi kutoka eHouse ari .
It also protects, system against sabotage or other activities of hackers, rejecting all unauthorized connections from foreign systems and limit the system control from eHouse dedicated applications.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Baadhi hata unexploded pengine kutokana na hujuma mafanikio kwa mfano katika kiwanda Pilsen Skoda Co. na wengine, walikuwa kuanguka bila kuchochea utaratibu, au mifumo ufanisi na kabisa kuharibika.
Some even unexploded probably due to a successful sabotage for example in the factory Pilsen Škoda Co. and others, were falling without triggering mechanism, or mechanism completely ineffective and impaired.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Inasikitisha sana kuona kuwa mizizi hii, imejikita pia hatua kwa hatua kwa miaka mingi katika sera za kiutamaduni za Magharibi na kuandaa mazingira ya kujitokeza hujuma laini na ya kimya kimya.
Unfortunately, these roots have taken hold in the depths of western cultural policies over the course of many years and they have caused a soft and silent invasion.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Jumapili iliyopita, Zitto na Kitila waliitisha mkutano na waandishi wa habari ambao kimsingi haikusaidia japo kupunguza moto unaozidi ‘kuunguza nyumba ya CHADEMA.’ Kwa kifupi, wanasiasa hao wawili walipinga vikali shutuma zilizoelekezwa kwao na kuhalalisha kile kilichotafsiriwa na uongozi wa chama hicho kama hujuma, huku wao wakibainisha kama matumizi ya demokrasia kwa minajili ya kuiboresha CHADEMA.
Lawmaker Vincent Nyerere, a member of the Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA) opposition party, said Tanzania should conduct an independent study to consider whether the benefits of engaging in the Somali conflict are worth it. “We better learn from our brothers in Kenya,” he told Sabahi. “Previously Kenya had no hostility with Somalia, but by intervening in Somalia they are facing terrorism attacks [regularly]. We should avoid this trap.”ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
]]> Mwanamuziki wa Bongo fleva Barakah The Prince amerudi tena kwenye headlines za mitandao ya kijamii baada ya kudai kuwa amechoshwa na mtu anayemfanyia hujuma.
]]> King Andre is not to be featured in Tonto Dikeh’s TV show pending the hearing of the originating motion.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Hii ni hujuma. Katika kupamba hili, Katibu Mkuu Kiongozi, Philemon Luhanjo amekaririwa akisema, “Serikali itafanya matayarisho ya msingi; kurekebisha kasoro na kuangalia mustakabali wa TRL kabla ya kutafutiwa mbia mwingine wa kuiendesha.”
More on Guinea Bissau: "Naming these two individuals as kingpins enables us to then target their facilitators, people who might be laundering money for them or assisting them in moving drugs," observed Adam Szubin, head of the US Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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