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English-Swahili Dictionary


Ni sehemu ya hulka ya binadamu kutaka kuonekana kuwa bora zaidi.
It is part of human nature to want to look our best.
English-Swahili Dictionary


English-Swahili Dictionary

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“Kunaweza kuwa na vitu katika hulka zetu, katika tabia zetu, au kuhusu ukuaji wetu wa kiroho ambacho kwacho tunahitaji kushaurina na Baba yetu wa Mbinguni katika sala ya asubuhi.
“There may be things in our character, in our behavior, or concerning our spiritual growth about which we need to counsel with Heavenly Father in morning prayer.LDS LDS
Lakini upande wa ngazi haikuwa ajabu tu hulka ya mahali, zilizokopwa kutoka mchungaji wa zamani wa bahari- farings.
But the side ladder was not the only strange feature of the place, borrowed from the chaplain's former sea- farings.QED QED
Grabar Kitarović ambaye ni mwanachama wa chama cha Umoja wa Demokrasia ya Raia wa Crotia, chama kilichosimamia kupatikana kwa uhuru wa nchi hii mwaka 1992, amenuia kurudisha kile alichokiita “Hulka ya Watu wa Crotia”, pamoja na kusisitiza mambo ya “kiutamaduni”.
A member of the Croatian Democratic Union, the party instrumental in Croatia gaining independence in 1992, Grabar Kitarović is eager to bring what she has called “the Croatian spirit” back, as well as re-enforce “traditional” values.gv2019 gv2019
Darfur magharibi inaongozwa na hulka ya tatu, Lelo mwamba, mara nyingine kufunikwa na safu nyembamba ya udongo.
Western Darfur is dominated by the third feature, basement rock, sometimes covered with a thin layer of sandy soil.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sharti uwe na uaminifu wa huenda moyo wako, majaliwa, maisha, hulka zako, na kadhalika.
You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.QED QED
Soma 1 Nefi 19:8–10, na utambue vishazi vinavyofundisha kuhusu asili na hulka ya Yesu Kristo.
Read 1 Nephi 19:8–10, and identify phrases that teach about the nature and character of Jesus Christ.LDS LDS
Pia huthibitisha kwamba “jinsia ni hulka muhimu ya utambuzi wa milele wa maisha kabla ya, maisha ya dunia, na utambulisho na dhamira ya milele.”
It also affirms that “gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.”LDS LDS
Hulka ya nne na ya mwisho ni Milima ya Marrah, viziba vya volkeno vilivyotengenezwa na massif, vinavyoinuka juu hadi kilele cha "crater" ya Deriba ambamo kuna eneo dogo lenye hali ya hewa ambayo ni joto, mvua nyingi na chemchemi za kudumu za maji.
The fourth and final feature are the Marrah Mountains and Daju Hills, volcanic plugs created by a massif, that rise up to a peak at Deriba crater where there is a small area of temperate climate, high rainfall and permanent springs of water.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pia hayawani huyo ana hulka za simba, dubu, na chui, na ana pembe kumi.
That beast also has the characteristics of a lion, a bear, and a leopard, and it has ten horns.jw2019 jw2019
“Wazo sahihi la hulka, ukamilifu, na sifa Zake”21 hutupa madhumuni endelevu na mwelekeo dhahiri tunapomfuata katika njia ya ufuasi wa kujitolea.
“A correct idea of his character, perfections, and attributes”21 provides enduring purpose and clear direction as we follow Him on the road of devoted discipleship.LDS LDS
Na, kwa hulka zake, alikuwa ndiye mtu mzuri na mnyenyekevu zaidi niliyewahi kukutana naye milele!
He was the best I have ever seen."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mitambo ya Usimamizi wa utambulisho inazidi kutumika katika kutoa nywila mbadala kwa zilizopotea, hulka iitwayo self service password reset.
Identity management systems are increasingly used to automate issuance of replacements for lost passwords, a feature called self service password reset.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kwa mujibu wa kufikiria kibinadamu, kila mtu binafsi tayari ana uwezo wa kindani na rasilimali ambayo inaweza kumsaidia kujenga hulka na dhana binafsi nzuri zaidi.
According to humanistic thinking, each individual person already has inbuilt potentials and resources that might help them to build a stronger personality and self-concept.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Waalimu wanaojitahidi kuishi injili na ambao wanajaribu kila mara na kikamilifu kuboresha utendaji wao, ujuzi, na mtazamo watakuza kwa kawaida hulka ifaayo ili kusaidia katika kukamilisha Lengo la Seminari na Vyuo vya Dini.
Teachers who strive to live the gospel and who consistently and genuinely try to improve their performance, knowledge, and attitude will naturally develop the character necessary to assist in accomplishing the Objective of Seminaries and Institutes.LDS LDS
Ni sehemu ya hulka ya binadamu kutaka kuonekana kuwa bora zaidi.
It is part of human nature to want to look our best.LDS LDS
Hulka ya karibu kila mzazi ni hamu ya kuwafundisha watoto wao maadili mema.
Innate in almost every parent is the desire to teach his or her children moral virtues.LDS LDS
Katika shajara yako ya kujifunza maandiko, andika mawazo yako kuhusu jinsi hulka na tabia hii ya kuwa mwepesi kusoma inaweza kukusaidia katika maisha yako ya kila siku.
In your scripture study journal, write your thoughts about how this character trait of being quick to observe could help you in your everyday life.LDS LDS
“Kweli” tunazoshikilia uchonga ubora wa jamii zetu pamoja na hulka zetu za kibinafsi.
The “truths” we cling to shape the quality of our societies as well as our individual characters.LDS LDS
Yeye pia ni hulka wa mara kwa mara katika makala ya mwezi ya Historia ya mtu mweusi katika vyombo vya habari.
He is also a frequent feature of Black History Month articles in the popular press.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Katika seminari na chuo, waalimu wanapaswa kutafuta kila mara kuboresha utendaji wao, ujuzi, mtazamo, na hulka.
In seminary and institute, teachers should continually seek to improve their performance, knowledge, attitude, and character.LDS LDS
Hulka na tabia ya Mormoni ya kuwa mtulivu na mwepesi wa kusoma zinawezaje kumsaidia katika majukumu haya?
How might Mormon’s character traits of being sober and quick to observe help him with these responsibilities?LDS LDS
Yaani, je, mwenendo wa binadamu unaamuliwa kabisa na jeni ambazo hupitisha hulka zenye kurithiwa na vitabia vya kibiolojia vya kiumbe-hai?
In other words, is human behavior determined entirely by the genes that mediate the heritable biological characteristics and traits of the organism?jw2019 jw2019
Mara kwa mara tunatafuta kuboresha utendaji wetu, ujuzi, mtazamo, na hulka.
We continually seek to improve our performance, knowledge, attitude, and character.LDS LDS
Mbinu za Biometriska hutoa uthibitishaji kwa misingi ya hulka za kibinafsi zisizoweza kubadilishwa, lakini kwa sasa (2008) zina kiwango kikubwa cha makosa na huhitaji vifaa zaidi vya ku, kwa mfano, Fingerprint, iris, nk Zimethibitika kuwa rahisi kuepukwa katika baadhi ya matukio maarufu ya kupima mitambo inayouzwa, kwa mfano, gummie Fingerprint spoof demonstration, na, kwa sababu hizi ni hulka zisizoweza kubadilika, haziwezi zikabadilishwa hata ikiwa zimeathirika; hili ni jambo muhimu sana kuzingatiwa katika kudhibiti uingiaji kwa sababu hundi iliyoathirika sio salama.
Biometric methods promise authentication based on unalterable personal characteristics, but currently (2008) have high error rates and require additional hardware to scan, for example, fingerprints, irises, etc. They have proven easy to spoof in some famous incidents testing commercially available systems, for example, the gummie fingerprint spoof demonstration, and, because these characteristics are unalterable, they cannot be changed if compromised; this is a highly important consideration in access control as a compromised access token is necessarily insecure.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hulka ya pili ni wadis, ambayo huanzia sehemu za maji ambazo hufurika wakati wa gharika au msimu wa mvua mara chache tu hadi wadis kubwa ambazo hufurika mara nyingi wakati wa mvua na hutiririka kutoka Darfur sehemu ya magharibi hadi Ziwa Chad.
A second feature are the wadis, which range from seasonal watercourses that flood only occasionally during the wet season to large wadis that flood for most of the rains and flow from western Darfur hundreds of kilometres west to Lake Chad.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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