kadhalika oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Swahili - Engels


in like manner
Hali kadhalika, kwa karne nyingi wanafalsafa wamejaribu kujibu swali, Kwa nini mwanadamu hufa?
Over the centuries philosophers have likewise attempted to answer the question, Why does man die?


2 Hali kadhalika, mtazamo wa Mkristo leo waweza kufanya mambo yaonekane mazuri au mabaya.
2 The attitude of a Christian today can similarly make things appear either bright or gloomy.
English-Swahili Dictionary


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and so on · et cetera · so forth · "and so on" · and so forth

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n.k. (na kadhalika)
and so on · et cetera
na kadhalika
and so on · et cetera
hali kadhalika
likewise · similarly


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Baada ya muda, chembe ziligawanyika katika makundi ya pekee, zikawa chembe za neva, chembe za misuli, chembe za ngozi, na kadhalika.
Soon the cells began to differentiate, or specialize, to become nerve cells, muscle cells, skin cells, and so forth.jw2019 jw2019
Hiyo ndiyo sababu alimalizia hivi baada ya kutoa ule mfano na mwingine uliohusiana na huo: “Basi, kadhalika kila mmoja wenu asiyeacha vyote alivyo navyo, hawezi kuwa mwanafunzi wangu.”
This is why after giving the parable and a related one, he concluded: “Thus, you may be sure, none of you that does not say good-bye to all his belongings can be my disciple.”jw2019 jw2019
(Zaburi 55:22) Kwa kumtwika Mungu mizigo yetu yote—wasiwasi, mahangaiko, matamausho, hofu mbalimbali, na kadhalika—tukiwa na imani kamili katika yeye, tutapokea utulivu wa moyoni, “amani ya Mungu, ipitayo akili zote.”—Wafilipi 4:4, 7; Zaburi 68:19; Marko 11:24; 1 Petro 5:7.
(Psalm 55:22) By throwing all our burdens —anxieties, worries, disappointments, fears, and so forth— upon God, with full faith in him, we receive a calmness of heart, “the peace of God that excels all thought.” —Philippians 4:4, 7; Psalm 68:19; Mark 11:24; 1 Peter 5:7.jw2019 jw2019
Wakati wanapopangia usafiri kwenda na kutoka mikutanoni au wakati wanapotaarifu wakati watakaporudi nyumbani, wale wa kutoka familia zilizogawanyika wangefanya vema kukumbuka wakati wanaohitaji kabla na baada ya mikutano kwa ajili ya ushirika, kupata vichapo, na kadhalika.
When arranging for transportation to and from meetings or when stating the time they will return home, those from divided families would do well to take into account the time they need before and after meetings for fellowship, picking up literature, and so forth.jw2019 jw2019
(Mathayo 17:2, NW) Sasa, katika mwakilisho wa kinjozi wa Yesu katika kipindi cha hii siku ya Bwana, hali kadhalika uso wake unarudisha ubora wenye kung’aa wa mmoja ambaye amekuwa katika kuwapo kwa Yehova.
(Matthew 17:2) Now, in a visionary representation of Jesus during the Lord’s day, his face similarly reflects the radiant splendor of one who has been in Jehovah’s presence.jw2019 jw2019
Ijapokuwa idili fulani huenda sanasana ikatokana na fursa ya kusafiri, msisimuko wa umati, kula nje, na kadhalika, hata watoto wachanga sana wanaweza kusaidiwa wathamini mkusanyiko wenyewe na kupata manufaa za kiroho kwa sababu hiyo.
Although some enthusiasm may stem mostly from the opportunity to travel, the excitement of the crowds, eating out, and so forth, even very young children can be helped to appreciate the convention itself and gain spiritual benefits accordingly.jw2019 jw2019
(1 Wakorintho 13:11) Hali kadhalika, mambo yanayokuvutia kumhusu mtu mwingine ukiwa kijana yanaweza kutofautiana sana na yale yatakayokuvutia utakapokuwa na umri mkubwa zaidi.
(1 Corinthians 13:11) Likewise, the traits in another person that appeal to you as a teenager will likely be quite different from those that will appeal to you when you are older.jw2019 jw2019
Hali kadhalika, wale wanaosisitiza kwamba mageuzi ni jambo hakika hawakati kauli kwa msingi wa uthibitisho wote uliopo, na maoni yao kuhusu uthibitisho unaotolewa hutegemea kauli wanazoshikilia.
Similarly, those who insist that evolution is a fact base their conclusions on only part of the evidence, and they allow their own presupposed conclusions to influence the way that they view the evidence.jw2019 jw2019
Hali moja na hiyo, kwa kulinganisha dini, twaweza kuchunguza mafundisho yazo, hekaya, sherehe za ibada, sherehe za heshima, desturi, na kadhalika, na kuona kama kuna uzi wowote wa msingi wenye utambulishi mmoja na, ikiwa ndivyo, uzi huo unatuongoza kwenye nini.
Similarly, by placing the religions side by side, we can examine their doctrines, legends, rituals, ceremonies, institutions, and so on, and see if there is any underlying thread of common identity and, if so, to what that thread leads us.jw2019 jw2019
Kulingana na nadharia hiyo, kwa kuwa mara nyingi waliota juu ya wapendwa wao waliokufa, walidhani kwamba nafsi iliendelea kuishi baada ya kifo, kwamba iliuacha mwili na kukaa katika miti, miamba, mito, na kadhalika.
According to this theory, since they frequently dreamed about their deceased loved ones, they assumed that a soul continued living after death, that it left the body and dwelt in trees, rocks, rivers, and so on.jw2019 jw2019
Katika siku zetu, hali kadhalika Bwana ana maneno makali kwa wenye kushikilia ukuhani wanao jaribu “kuficha dhambi [zao], au kufurahisha kiburi[chao], au malengo [yao] ya bure yasiyofaa.”
In our day, the Lord has similarly strong words for priesthood holders who try to “cover [their] sins, or to gratify [their] pride, [or their] vain ambition.”LDS LDS
Huenda tukafumbwa macho na mwelekeo wetu wenyewe wa kutenda dhambi, hali kadhalika Shetani na ulimwengu huu mwovu.
Well, our sinful inclinations may work against us, as Satan and this system of things mask our real situation.jw2019 jw2019
Kadhalika Shashi alibaini haya yafuatayo:
Shashi has also these observations:gv2019 gv2019
(3) Mara nyingi kuvuta sigara huwa sehemu muhimu ya maisha ya mtu kwa kuwa anaivuta anapokula, anapokunywa, anapozungumza, anapotaka kuondoa mfadhaiko, na kadhalika.
(3) Smoking is often woven into a person’s life by its regular association with eating, drinking, conversing, the relief of stress, and so on.jw2019 jw2019
Ikiwa nyote wawili mmepewa haki ya kuwalea watoto, huenda mwenzi wako wa zamani asiwe na maoni yenye usawaziko kuhusu kuwatembelea watoto, kuwategemeza kifedha, na kadhalika.
If you share custody, your ex-spouse may not be as reasonable as you would like regarding the aforementioned matters of visitation, financial support, and so on.jw2019 jw2019
(Ufunuo 14:18-20, NW) Hali kadhalika, damu iliyonyunyiziwa juu ya vazi la nje la Yesu huthibitisha kwamba ushindi wake ni wa kukata maneno na ni kamili.
(Revelation 14:18-20) Likewise, the blood sprinkled on Jesus’ outer garment confirms that his victory is decisive and complete.jw2019 jw2019
Makala hii kadhalika inaunganisha blogu nyingine ya familia ya mfanyakazi kutoka nje Sander Elke en Milan ambayo ina picha ya uharibifu wa maduka yaliyoko kandokando ya barabara kwenye mitaa ya Yaounde.
This post also links to another blog by an expertriate family Sander Elke en Milan that has has photos of the destruction to roadside shops in the streets of Yaounde.gv2019 gv2019
Macho yao yanawakilisha nuru na amaarifa, maana yake, wamejaa maarifa; na mabawa yao yanawakilisha buweza, wa kutembea, wa kutenda, na kadhalika.
Their eyes are a representation of light and knowledge, that is, they are full of cknowledge; and their wings are a drepresentation of epower, to move, to act, etc.LDS LDS
Ndugu wengi wa Hawaii, hali kadhalika ndugu wengine wengi kutoka sehemu mbalimbali za ulimwengu, walivutiwa na Lloyd.
Lloyd had touched the lives of many of them, as well as of many others around the world.jw2019 jw2019
Karibu majuma mawili au matatu baadaye, kiasi kile kile cha siki chaweza kutolewa tena, na kadhalika.
About three weeks later, the same amount of vinegar can be drawn off again, and so forth.jw2019 jw2019
5 Maneno ya Kigiriki yanayotafsiriwa “batiza,” “ubatizo,” na kadhalika, hurejezea kuzamisha au kutumbukiza ndani ya maji.
5 Greek words translated “baptize,” “baptism,” and so forth, refer to immersing, dipping, or plunging under water.jw2019 jw2019
Hali kadhalika walitaja watoto milioni 600 wanaoishi maisha fukara pamoja na watoto milioni 13 ambao watampoteza angalau mzazi mmoja kutokana na UKIMWI kufikia mwisho wa mwaka wa 2000.
Mention was also made of the 600 million children living in absolute poverty and the 13 million who will have lost at least one parent to AIDS by the end of 2000.jw2019 jw2019
Ili kukadiria tarehe hiyo, wasomi hulinganisha hati hizo na hati nyingine, kutia ndani hati za zamani zisizo za Kibiblia ambazo tarehe zake zinajulikana, wakichunguza mambo kama vile mwandiko, alama za vituo, ufupisho wa maneno, na kadhalika.
To determine an approximate date, scholars compare the texts with other works, including ancient non-Biblical documents for which dates are known, drawing inferences from handwriting, punctuation, abbreviations, and so on.jw2019 jw2019
Mahangaiko ya pekee, kama vile matatizo wanayokabili vijana shuleni, miadi ya kijinsia, utendaji wa baada ya masomo, na kadhalika, hutokea.
Special concerns, such as the problems youths face at school, dating, extracurricular activities, and the like, do come up.jw2019 jw2019
(Mwanzo 11:1) Dunia halisi haiwezi kuzungumza “lugha moja,” hali kadhalika, si dunia halisi itakayoharibiwa.
(Genesis 11:1) Just as the literal earth does not speak “one language,” it is not the literal earth that will be destroyed.jw2019 jw2019
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