kambo oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Swahili - Engels


Prefix, naamwoord
step-(father or mother)
Kabla ya harusi, nilikuwa nikikaa na bibi wa kambo wa David, mwenye upendo aliyejulikana kama Shangazi Carol.
Before the wedding, I would be staying with David’s step-grandmother, who was lovingly known as Aunt Carol.

relationship by marriage

English-Swahili Dictionary


English-Swahili Dictionary


verb noun
Kabla ya harusi, nilikuwa nikikaa na bibi wa kambo wa David, mwenye upendo aliyejulikana kama Shangazi Carol.
Before the wedding, I would be staying with David’s step-grandmother, who was lovingly known as Aunt Carol.
A step-relation where family members usually related by ancestry are related by marriage.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

mwana wa kambo
stepdaughter · stepson
mtoto wa kambo
mama wa kambo
baba wa kambo


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Watoto wa wazazi wetu, Mungu anatutaka sisi wote tuwe wanae wa kambo kwa neema![
In the present case, the Commission takes the view that the Government's decision to request the National Debt Office to issue a credit guarantee was a conditional decision and did not confer on Teracom an unconditional right to request that a credit guarantee be issued to itvatican.va vatican.va
Huenda jambo hilo likawa kweli kabisa katika familia za kambo.
You never cheated on your husband?jw2019 jw2019
Washiriki wote wa familia ya Dustin, kutia ndani baba yake mzazi na mama yake wa kambo, walikuwepo.
It goes without saying that we are behind them, and we agree that they should get investments and funds from the government to bring their research to fruitionjw2019 jw2019
(1 Yohana 4:7) Naam, upendo wenye kuhisiwa moyoni ndio siri hasa ya kuwa na familia ya kambo yenye furaha.
Member States shalljw2019 jw2019
Ndugu yangu wa kambo aliniambia kwamba ijapokuwa watu hao walikuwa maskini walivaa mavazi nadhifu.
Inhalation usejw2019 jw2019
Matatizo ya Pekee ya Familia za Kambo
You got to go see Rickjw2019 jw2019
Yosefu, ambaye alikuwa baba yake wa kambo, alimfunza useremala, na ndiyo sababu watu walimwita Yesu seremala.
Controversial attorney Ron Trott and his firm TNT and Gjw2019 jw2019
No, well, that- That' s good to know.But here' s the thingjw2019 jw2019
Miaka kadhaa mapema walikuwa wamemwuza Yosefu, ndugu yao wa kambo, akawe mtumwa, wakinuia kumwambia baba yao kwamba alikuwa ameuawa na mnyama mkali.—Mwanzo 37:18-35.
Our school motto was ``First we work and then we play because that is the way to be happy and gay''jw2019 jw2019
Kila mtu alifanya mabadiliko ya kustaajabisha ili kuzoea maisha katika familia ya kambo, lakini tuliendelea kuwakumbuka wapendwa wetu waliokufa.
Excuse me, is there someplace we' re supposed to check in?jw2019 jw2019
(Mwanzo 35:24) Ndugu zake wa kambo wenye wivu walimwuza utumwani Misri ambako alikaa kwa miaka 13 hivi akiwa mtumwa na mfungwa.
in a food which is to be used solely in the preparation of a compound food and provided that the compound food complies with this Regulationjw2019 jw2019
Watu wote wanaomlea mtoto huyo, kutia ndani wa kiume, iwe ni baba, baba wa kambo, au wanaume wengine wa ukoo, wanapaswa kuhusishwa katika mazungumzo hayo.
It should be noted that this result does not take account of restructuring and extraordinary costs incurred by the Community industry during the period consideredjw2019 jw2019
Yanayofuata hapa ni madokezo machache ya kusaidia idadi inayoongezeka ya wazazi wa kambo.
Further, the Guidelines on the method of setting fines have been infringed, since the fine should not have been set at a flat-rate, but calculated in relation to the fee which the applicant received for its servicesjw2019 jw2019
Familia za kambo zaweza kufanikiwa.
That may be, but not here and not like thisjw2019 jw2019
Kwa kawaida, kuzoeana na kuaminiana kati ya washiriki wa familia ya kambo huchukua miaka mingi.
Shall I tell you what happened?jw2019 jw2019
Yuki: Ukiwa mtoto wa kambo, ni kawaida kujihisi mpweke na kuwa wewe si sehemu ya familia.
Your Majesty.- I came to see the Kingjw2019 jw2019
Mama mmoja aliyeolewa tena asimulia: “Jambo lililo gumu zaidi kwa mama ni kuona baba wa kambo akiwatia watoto wake nidhamu, hasa ikiwa yeye ahisi kwamba anatenda kwa haraka-haraka au ni mwenye ubaguzi.
For that everybody looks me?jw2019 jw2019
Mzee mmoja Mkristo asimulia kwamba mara nyingi ilikuwa vigumu kuwaamsha watoto wake wa kambo Jumapili asubuhi ili washiriki katika ibada ya kutaniko.
you kisses badly same, heinjw2019 jw2019
Changamoto ya 1: Kutambua Mamlaka ya Mzazi wa Kambo
I don' t know if Ijw2019 jw2019
Naam, hekima na utambuzi huhitajiwa na washiriki wote wa familia za kambo ili zifaulu.
TeII them we' re in ready and thank themjw2019 jw2019
You gave us a sick childjw2019 jw2019
• Watoto ambao walikuwa na uhusiano mzuri na mtu kabla ya ndoa huwa na matatizo baadaye mtu huyo anapokuwa mzazi wa kambo.
It was a long journeyjw2019 jw2019
Je, wazazi wa kambo wanaweza kutimiza fungu lifaalo katika kujenga familia ya kambo yenye mafanikio?
It is appropriate to provide that the tariff quotas opened by this Regulation are to be managed in accordance with those rulesjw2019 jw2019
Yosefu hakuwa baba mzazi wa Yesu, basi ndugu na dada za Yesu walikuwa ndugu na dada zake wa kambo. —Mathayo 1:20.
You know I had nothing to do with thatjw2019 jw2019
Ni mahitaji gani uliyo nayo ambayo mzazi wako wa kambo anakutimizia?
Listen... at the moment there' s a war in Yemenjw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.