kifaru oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Swahili - Engels


herbivorous pachyderm with horn(s)
Anatuonyesha kifaru mmoja anayepita hatua chache mbele yetu.
He points to a black rhinoceros crossing just a few yards in front of us.


short form of rhinoceros
Wanadamu wamevumbua mbinu za ujanja za kumuua kifaru.
Man has invented a clever way of felling a rhino.


Karibu na eneo la mapigano, Daniel alikuwa amepanda kifaru wakati kiliposhambuliwa kwa kombora.
Close to the battlefront, Daniel was riding in a tank when it took a direct hit.
rhino (short form of rhinoceros)

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Swahili - Engels


family of mammals
Anatuonyesha kifaru mmoja anayepita hatua chache mbele yetu.
He points to a black rhinoceros crossing just a few yards in front of us.

White Rhinoceros

Joni Overbosch


verb noun
heavy armored fighting vehicle
Karibu na eneo la mapigano, Daniel alikuwa amepanda kifaru wakati kiliposhambuliwa kwa kombora.
Close to the battlefront, Daniel was riding in a tank when it took a direct hit.

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Ngozi za chui, pembe za tembo, mifupa ya simbamarara, pembe za kifaru, na kasa ni miongoni mwa bidhaa ambazo zimepigwa marufuku.
Leopard pelts, elephant ivory, tiger bones, rhino horns, and turtles are among currently banned commodities.jw2019 jw2019
Hadi miaka ya hivi karibuni, pembe za kifaru, nyongo ya dubu, na viungo vingine vya wanyama kama hivyo vilionyeshwa kwenye kaunta hizi za glasi, lakini kuwa na viungo hivyo kumepigwa marufuku.
Until recent years, rhinoceros horn, bear gallbladders, and other animal parts like these could be found in such display cases, but now these items are banned.jw2019 jw2019
“Hakuna mnyama yeyote mkubwa ulimwenguni anayechinjwa zaidi kwa kadiri hiyo, wala anayeelekea kuangamizwa kwa haraka hivyo [kuliko kifaru],” lasema gazeti Our Planet.
“No other large mammal in the world is being so heavily slaughtered, nor heading so rapidly towards extinction,” notes the magazine Our Planet.jw2019 jw2019
Kifaru amehatarishwa sana kwa sababu ya thamani kubwa ya pembe yake, ambayo ni mkusanyiko wa nywele nyingi zilizo kama kucha za binadamu.
The enormous commercial value of the horn —a compact mass of hair much like human nails— has placed the rhino in great danger.jw2019 jw2019
Akina Balfour, ambao mara nyingi walitazama hili, wanaelezea kwamba kifaru alikuwa akizama polepole matopeni, “halafu mtweto ungesikika, na huyo mnyama aliyetosheka angelala kwa upande mmoja kwa dakika chache . . . kabla ya kuendelea na miogesho yake, mara nyingi akibingirika kwa mgongo wake, miguu ikirusha mateke angani.”
The Balfours, who often observed this, relate that as the rhino would slowly sink into the mud, “a sigh would then be heard, and the satisfied animal would lie on one side for a few minutes . . . before continuing its ablutions, often rolling right over on to its back, feet kicking skywards.”jw2019 jw2019
Pia, fikiria kifaru, ambaye ni mnyama wa nchi kavu aliye wa pili kwa ukubwa.
Consider also the rhinoceros, the second-largest land mammal alive today.jw2019 jw2019
Shauku hii kwa kifaru mweusi hushirikiwa na wengi ambao wamefanya uchunguzi wake.
This affection for the black rhino is shared by many who have made a study of it.jw2019 jw2019
Baadaye tulisimama ili kumtazama kifaru kwa umbali na tembo wa mbugani kwa ukaribu akila kwenye miti.
Later we paused to observe black rhino in the distance and wild elephants close by feeding on the trees.jw2019 jw2019
Wanachuo wengi huamini kwamba taswira ya farasi mwenye pembe moja ilitokana na masimulizi ya Ulaya ya habari isiyothibitishwa kuhusu kifaru.”
Most scholars believe the image of the unicorn was derived from hearsay European accounts of the rhinoceros.”jw2019 jw2019
Katika biashara ya magendo, pembe ya kifaru iliyo na uzani sawa na dhahabu ni ghali zaidi.
On the black market, rhino horn is worth more than its weight in gold.jw2019 jw2019
Kifaru mwenye pembe moja
One-horned rhinocerosjw2019 jw2019
Tofauti na mfupa wa simbamarara na pembe ya kifaru, pembe ya tembo haihusianishwi na ngano yoyote ya kwamba ina uwezo wa kutibu.
Unlike tiger bone and rhino horn, ivory is not bound to any myth of pharmaceutical value.jw2019 jw2019
Sababu Inayofanya Pembe ya Kifaru Ipendwe Sana
Why Rhino Horn Is So Popularjw2019 jw2019
“CHAPA ya Miguu Mitatu ya Maji ya Pembe ya Kifaru Yanayozuia Homa.”
“THREE LEGS Brand Rhinoceros Horn Anti-Fever Water.”jw2019 jw2019
Anapokabiliwa na mtu mbugani, kifaru mweupe kwa kawaida atakimbia kwa woga aonapo, kusikia, au kuhisi harufu ya binadamu.
When confronted in the wild by man, the white rhino will usually flee in panic at the sight, sound, or smell of a human.jw2019 jw2019
“Karne ya ishirini—ingawa kwa ujumla ni ya ujamii ulioboreshwa na ufikirio uliokaziwa wa kiserikali kwa maisha ya maskini—imemilikiwa na bunduki-mimina, kifaru, ndege za kivita za B-52, bomu ya kinyukilia na, mwishowe kombora la masafa marefu.
“The twentieth century —although generally one of social improvement and heightened governmental concern for the lives of the poor— has been dominated by the machine gun, the tank, the B-52, the nuclear bomb and, finally, the missile.jw2019 jw2019
Licha ya kuwa na vipande 17 vya kombora mguuni mwangu, nilishika usukani wa kifaru huku kifaru kingine kikitukokota.
Despite having 17 pieces of shrapnel in my leg, I took the controls of the tank while another one towed us.jw2019 jw2019
Biashara ya pembe za tembo, pembe za kifaru, ngozi za simbamarara, na viungo vinginevyo vya wanyama sasa ni biashara haramu yenye kuchuma mabilioni ya dola, ikiwa ya pili tu kwa ulanguzi wa dawa za kulevya, lasema Time.
Trade in elephant ivory, rhino horn, tiger skins, and other animal parts is now a multibillion-dollar black-market business, second only to drug smuggling, notes Time.jw2019 jw2019
Kifaru mweusi wa Afrika yumo hatarini mwa kutoweka.
Teetering near the brink is the African black rhinoceros.jw2019 jw2019
Pembe za kifaru zikichuma hadi dola 2,000 kwa kilogramu, wawindaji haramu wanahisi kwamba hata vigutu vya kifaru aliyetolewa pembe vinastahiki kung’olewa.
With rhino horns fetching up to $900 a pound [$2,000 per kg], poachers feel that even the stumps of a dehorned rhino are worth gouging out.jw2019 jw2019
Anatuonyesha kifaru mmoja anayepita hatua chache mbele yetu.
He points to a black rhinoceros crossing just a few yards in front of us.jw2019 jw2019
Wakipenda waweza kuuma kupitia mavazi—hilo si tatizo kwa mdudu awezaye hata kudunga ngozi ngumu ya kifaru.
Or if they choose, they can bite through clothing—that’s not a problem for an insect that can pierce even the tough hide of a rhinoceros.jw2019 jw2019
Nikiwa nimesimama sehemu ya juu ya kifaru chetu nikiyachunguza mazingira, kwa ghafula kombora lililorushwa kupitia dirisha likaingia ndani ya kifaru chetu, likalipuka na kuwaua wenzangu watatu papo hapo.
As I stood in the turret of my tank examining the surroundings, suddenly a rocket fired from a window entered the tank, instantly killing three of my men when it exploded.jw2019 jw2019
Miongoni mwao ni kifaru wa Vietnam wa jamii ya Javan. Vifaru hao ni mojawapo ya wanyama walio hatarini.
Among these is the Vietnamese rhinoceros, a subspecies of the Javan rhino and one of the world’s most endangered species.jw2019 jw2019
Kibandiko cha hiyo isemwayo kuwa dawa ina ujumbe huu: “Dawa hii imetayarishwa kwa uangalifu kutoka kwa dawa bora zaidi zilizoteuliwa za Pembe za Kifaru Zinazozuia Homa, na chini ya usimamizi wa moja kwa moja wa Wastadi.
The label on this purported medicine contains this message: “This medicine is carefully prepared from the best selected Rhinoceros Horn and Anti-Fever Drugs, and under the direct supervision of Experts.jw2019 jw2019
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