kwenda oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Swahili - Engels


pre / adposition
Pengine husema, "Mimi leo siwezi kwenda shuleni. Nitakwenda kesho."
Sometimes they say, "I can't go to school today. I'll go tomorrow."
English-Swahili Dictionary

going to

Pengine husema, "Mimi leo siwezi kwenda shuleni. Nitakwenda kesho."
Sometimes they say, "I can't go to school today. I'll go tomorrow."
English-Swahili Dictionary


Pengine husema, "Mimi leo siwezi kwenda shuleni. Nitakwenda kesho."
Sometimes they say, "I can't go to school today. I'll go tomorrow."
to go

Geskatte vertalings

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Soortgelyke frases

tikiti ya kwenda na kurudi
round-trip ticket
-refu ya kwenda chini
-a kwenda baharini
nataka kwenda msalani
I want to go to the toilet
kwenda na kurudi
round trip
kwenda na kuja wakati wengi
kwenda kurudi
kwenda na
-chelewa kwenda kwa kazi


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18 Basi Musa akarudi kwa Yethro baba mkwe wake+ na kumwambia: “Ninataka kwenda, tafadhali, nirudi kwa ndugu zangu walio Misri nione kama wangali hai.”
18 So Moses went back to Jethʹro his father-in-law+ and said to him: “I want to go, please, and return to my brothers who are in Egypt to see whether they are still alive.”jw2019 jw2019
Tovuti hii imegawanywa katika makundi 6: Kwenda kuishi Ulaya, Maisha ya Ulaya, Short on luck, Kufanya Kazi, Kurudi Nyumbani, Mziki.
The website is divided into six categories: Leaving for Europe, Life in Europe, Short on luck, Getting down to work, Going back, Music.globalvoices globalvoices
Niliiba kiasi fulani cha pesa zake na kwenda kucheza kamari kwa muda.
I took money from his home and lived off my gambling for a while.jw2019 jw2019
Stergios alikuwa amepanga kwenda kwenye mkahawa na baadhi ya rafiki zake alasiri hiyo.
Stergios had planned to have coffee with some friends that afternoon.jw2019 jw2019
Mika, aliyeishi wakati wa Isaya, atangaza hivi: “BWANA anataka nini kwako, ila kutenda haki, na kupenda rehema, na kwenda kwa unyenyekevu na Mungu wako!”
Isaiah’s contemporary Micah declares: “What is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God?”jw2019 jw2019
Simulizi la Luka laendelea kusimulia kwamba baada ya hapo Mariamu alisafiri kwenda Yuda ili kumtembelea mtu wa ukoo wake Elisabeti aliyekuwa na mimba.
Luke’s account goes on to relate that Mary thereupon traveled to Judah to visit her pregnant relative Elizabeth.jw2019 jw2019
Alikuwa tofauti na viongozi wa kanisa wafisadi ambao walitumia desturi za kanisa kama vile kuungama dhambi, ibada ya watakatifu, kufunga, na safari za kwenda hija, ili kuwakandamiza waumini.
He differed with corrupt clergymen who used church customs —such as confession of sins, the worship of the saints, fasting, and pilgrimages— to exploit believers.jw2019 jw2019
(Yohana 17:16) Niliwaarifu wakubwa wangu kauli yangu ya kukataa kutii amri ya kwenda kupigana huko Indochina, nikitaja tamaa yangu ya kutoshiriki katika vita tena.—Isaya 2:4.
(John 17:16) I informed my superiors of my refusal to comply with orders to fight in Indochina, citing my desire not to participate in war anymore.—Isaiah 2:4.jw2019 jw2019
Au angewaacha wale kondoo 99 mahali salama na kwenda kumtafuta yule mmoja tu?
Or would he leave the 99 sheep in a safe place and go looking for just the one?jw2019 jw2019
Akichapa hundi bandia nyingi, au zaidi kwa wakati mmoja, yeye aweza kwenda kutoa fedha kwenye tawi lolote la banki hiyo katika jiji lolote.
Running off dozens or more forgeries at a time, he can cash them at any one of the bank’s branches in any city.jw2019 jw2019
Kusema kweli, nimewahi kwenda mahali ambapo sikupaswa kwenda.
To be honest, I have gone to places where I should not have.jw2019 jw2019
Alikuwa dereva wa basi lililofanya safari zake kati ya Santiago na Ciudad Trujillo, hivyo alisafiri mara nyingi kwenda katika mji mkuu.
He operated a bus line between Santiago and Ciudad Trujillo, so he made frequent trips to the capital.jw2019 jw2019
Hapo awali sana Yesu alijaribu kuwasaidia wanafunzi watambue “ya kwamba imempasa kwenda Yerusalemu, na kupata mateso mengi kwa wazee na wakuu wa makuhani, na waandishi, na kuuawa, na siku ya tatu kufufuka.”
Well in advance Jesus tried to help the disciples to realize “that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the older men and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised up.”jw2019 jw2019
Muda mfupi kabla ya kusafiri kwenda Berlin, Mei alikuwa pia alitangaza kwamba katika wake wa kura ya maoni, Uingereza bila kuachia urais wa Baraza la Umoja wa Ulaya, ambayo hupita kati ya nchi wanachama kila baada ya miezi sita juu ya mzunguko ya msingi, na kwamba UINGEREZA ilikuwa imepangwa kwa kushikilia katika nusu ya pili ya 2017.
Shortly before travelling to Berlin, May had also announced that in the wake of the referendum, Britain would relinquish the presidency of the Council of the European Union, which passes between member states every six months on a rotation basis, and that the UK had been scheduled to hold in the second half of 2017.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kwa kuongezea, ithibati yenye kusadikisha juu ya uadilifu wa Yesu itaonyeshwa kwa kupaa kwake kwenda kwa Baba.
In addition, convincing evidence of the righteousness of Jesus will be demonstrated by his ascension to the Father.jw2019 jw2019
Kwa maana kulikuwa na wengi wakija na kwenda, nao hawakuwa hata na wasaa wa kula mlo.”
For there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure time even to eat a meal.”jw2019 jw2019
62 Na ahaki nitaishusha kutoka mbinguni; na bukweli nitaueneza kutoka cduniani, ili kutoa dushuhuda wa Mwanangu wa Pekee; eufufuko wake kutoka kwa wafu; ndiyo, na pia ufufuko wa watu wote; na haki na ukweli nitavifanya viifagie dunia kama vile kwa gharika, ili fkuwakusanya wateule wangu kutoka pande nne za dunia, kwenda mahali nitakapopatayarisha Mji Mtakatifu, ili watu wangu wapate kufunga viuno vyao, na kutazamia wakati wa kuja kwangu; kwani patakuwepo hema yangu, na itaitwa Sayuni, Yerusalemu gMpya.
62 And arighteousness will I send down out of heaven; and truth will I send forth out of the earth, to bear btestimony of mine Only Begotten; his cresurrection from the dead; yea, and also the resurrection of all men; and righteousness and truth will I cause to sweep the earth as with a flood, to dgather out mine elect from the four quarters of the earth, unto a place which I shall prepare, an Holy City, that my people may gird up their loins, and be looking forth for the time of my coming; for there shall be my tabernacle, and it shall be called eZion, a fNew Jerusalem.LDS LDS
Wasafiri wengine wengi pia wako njiani kupanda kwenda Yerusalemu kwa ajili ya sherehe ya kila mwaka ya Sikukuu ya Kupitwa.
Many other travelers are also on their way up to Jerusalem for the annual Passover celebration.jw2019 jw2019
Wengine hupendelea kwenda kulala mapema na kuangalia masomo yao mara tu asubuhi ifikapo.
Others prefer to go to bed early and care for their studies first thing in the morning.jw2019 jw2019
Alimpeleka Babu kwa gari kwenda kufanya ziara zake za huduma, lakini kijapokuwa kitia-moyo cha Babu, Baba hakuchukua hatua yoyote.
True, he drove Grandpa to make his ministerial calls, but despite Grandpa’s encouragement, Dad did not take an active part himself.jw2019 jw2019
Nilirudi nyumbani nikiwa nimeazimia kabisa kufikia mradi wangu wa kwenda Betheli.
I came home more determined than ever to reach my goal of going to Bethel.jw2019 jw2019
Mwokozi wetu, Yesu Kristo, ambaye huona kutoka mwanzo mpaka mwisho, alijua vyema njia ambayo angeitumia kusafiria kwenda Gethsemane na Golgotha aliposema, : “Mtu ye yote ashikaye jembe kuanza kulima kisha akawa anageuka kutazama nyuma, hafai kwa Ufalme wa Mungu.” (Luka 9:62).
Our Savior, Jesus Christ, who sees from the beginning to the end, knew very well the road He would travel to Gethsemane and Golgotha when He proclaimed, “No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62).LDS LDS
Wakati hakuwepo, niliendelea na funzo langu la Biblia, kwa wakati nilijifunza jinsi ilivyokuwa kwenda mlango kwa mlango ukizungumza kuhusu Biblia.
While she was away, I continued my study of the Bible, in time learning what it was like to go from door- to- door talking about the Bible.jw2019 jw2019
Hatuhitaji kwenda na kitafuta kupitia kwenye filosofia za ulimwengu kwa ajili ya ukweli ambao utatupa faraja, msaada, na mwongozo wa kutupeleka kwa usalama kupitia kwenye majaribu ya maisha—sisi tayari tunao!
We don’t have to go searching through the philosophies of the world for truth that will give us comfort, help, and direction to get us safely through the trials of life—we already have it!LDS LDS
Yvonne mwenye miaka 14 alikataa kwenda safari ya matembezi ya darasa ya kuteleza kwenye theluji.
Fourteen- year- old Yvonne turned down going on a class ski trip.jw2019 jw2019
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