mama mdogo oor Engels

mama mdogo

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aunt (mother’s younger sister)
Nilishangaa kwamba mama mdogo na watoto wake wawili walikuwa Mashahidi wa Yehova.
Unbeknownst to me, my aunt and two of my cousins had become Jehovah’s Witnesses.

junior co-mother

junior co-mother (wife the father married after marrying the mother)

maternal aunt


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Pia ni mama mdogo wa kuzaliwa na Micah Sanders.
She is also a biological aunt of Micah Sanders.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nilishangaa kwamba mama mdogo na watoto wake wawili walikuwa Mashahidi wa Yehova.
Unbeknownst to me, my aunt and two of my cousins had become Jehovah’s Witnesses.jw2019 jw2019
Niliitumia hadi nilipofikia umri wa miaka 86, nikija kujulikana katika eneo hilo kuwa “yule mama mdogo kwenye baiskeli ya buluu.”
I used it until I was 86 years old, becoming known in the area as “the little lady on the blue bicycle.”jw2019 jw2019
Nyanya yangu na mama yangu mdogo walipendezwa na wakanieleza mambo waliyojifunza.
Both of them showed interest and shared what they learned with me.jw2019 jw2019
Akiwa Helsinki, mama yangu alimwandikia nyanya na mama yangu mdogo kuhusu imani ya Mashahidi wa Yehova.
From Helsinki my mother began writing to her mother and younger sister about the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses.jw2019 jw2019
Vita vilipokuwa vikiendelea, Mamie, mama yake, na ndugu mdogo wa mama yake walitoroka.
Amid heavy fighting, Mamie, her mother, and her mother’s younger brother fled.jw2019 jw2019
Monica alienda kuishi na mama yake mdogo.
Monica was able to stay with an aunt.jw2019 jw2019
Nilipokuwa kazini mama yangu mdogo alilinda nyumba.
My aunt stayed in the house while I was at work.”jw2019 jw2019
Wimbo unaelezea hasa masuala ya upataji mimba kwa vijana wadogo na athari za kuwa mama ukiwa mdogo na familia zao.
The song explores the issue of teen pregnancy and its effect on young mothers and their families.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yaelekea ibada ya bikira Tonantzin, “Mama wa Miungu,” ambaye Waazteki walimwita Mama Yetu Mdogo, ndilo jambo linalofanana zaidi kati ya ibada ya Waazteki na ya Wakatoliki.
Perhaps the most amazing similarity was the worship of Tonantzin, a virgin “Mother of the Gods,” affectionately called Our Little Mother by the Aztecs.jw2019 jw2019
Mama yangu na mdogo wangu, Maria, walikuwa Mashahidi wa Yehova nilipokuwa gerezani.
While I was in prison, my mother and younger sister Maria had become Jehovah’s Witnesses!jw2019 jw2019
Familia ya watu watatu—baba, mama, na binti mdogo—walikuwa nyumbani katika Sydney, Australia, nyumba iliposhika moto.
A family of three —father, mother, and small daughter— were at home in Sydney, Australia, when the house caught fire.jw2019 jw2019
Tarsha alikuwa na umri mdogo mama yake alipokufa.
Tarsha was young when her mother died.jw2019 jw2019
Nilipokuwa mdogo, mama yangu aligundua nilikuwa na kipaji cha kufungua vitu na kuviunganisha tena.
As I grew up, my mother noticed that I had a flair for taking things apart and putting them back together again.jw2019 jw2019
Mimi, mama yangu, na mdogo wangu, Grigory, tulifukuzwa kutoka Ukrainia Magharibi.
Together with my mother and my younger brother, Grigory, I was banished from West Ukraine.jw2019 jw2019
Nakumbuka mama mmoja mdogo, mmoja kati ya wengi wa wanawake wa Kanisa katika Mexico ambao imani yao katika Mungu hutofautisha maisha yao ya kiasili kiasi kwamba wanaonekana kutoyatambua.
I recall a particular young mother, one of many among the women of the Church in Mexico whose faith in God graces their lives so naturally that they seem scarcely aware of it.LDS LDS
Katika 1947, nilipata kuwa mama ya msichana mdogo, nami nikaamua kufanya kazi kwa bidii ili kupata utajiri kwa ajili yake.
In 1947, I became the mother of a little girl, and I decided to work hard to amass wealth for her.jw2019 jw2019
Ibada ya mungu huyo wa kike pamoja na mambo mengine yanayohusiana na sikukuu hiyo, ilianza na ibada ya mungu-mama wa Azteki anayeitwa Cihuacóatl, ambaye pia anaitwa Tonantzin, jina linalomaanisha “Mama Yetu Mdogo.”
The veneration of the feminine divinity, as well as other features of this holiday, date back to the worship of the Aztec god-mother Cihuacóatl, also called Tonantzin, meaning “Our Little Mother.”jw2019 jw2019
PERLA kutoka Mexico anakumbuka kwamba alipokuwa msichana mdogo, mama yake alimsaidia kutayarisha maelezo mafupi ya kutoa katika Funzo la Mnara wa Mlinzi.
PERLA from Mexico remembers that when she was a little girl, her mother helped her to prepare brief comments for the Watchtower Study.jw2019 jw2019
Muda mrefu haukupita nami nikapata shangwe ya kumwona Mama na dada yangu mdogo wakibatizwa na kuwa Mashahidi.
Soon I had the joy of seeing my mother and younger sister become Witnesses.jw2019 jw2019
Sikufikiria jinsi nilivyokuwa nikimwumiza mama yangu, ndugu yangu mdogo, dada yangu, na hata mimi mwenyewe.
I really didn’t think of how much I was hurting my mom, my little brother and sister, and myself too.jw2019 jw2019
Nao ni mama ya Yesu, Salome, Maria Magdalene, na Maria mama ya mtume Yakobo Mdogo.
They are Jesus’ mother, Salome, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of the apostle James the Less.jw2019 jw2019
Mashahidi wawili walikuwa na kawaida ya kuwatembelea mama wengine wenye umri mdogo.
Two female Witnesses regularly visited some of the other young mothers.jw2019 jw2019
Baba yetu alikufa nilipokuwa mvulana mdogo, hivyo mama yetu alilazimika kufanya kazi ili kututegemeza.
My father died when I was a little boy, so my mother had to work to support us.jw2019 jw2019
Wakati mama yangu alipokuwa msichana mdogo, hakuna kati ya wazazi wake aliyekuwa mshiriki mkamilifu Kanisani.
When my mother was just a little girl, neither of her parents was active in the Church.LDS LDS
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