Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -1057826344617175542


Author: langbot


As the truck, once again, came to rest, I think the zombies sensed an opportunity – an opportunity for a feed. There were, maybe, fifty or so of them – all youthful and obviously anxious and active. They pressed forward, ready to attack. Tough luck, guys – we’d worked this one out in advance. David got out of the truck and directed his loudest roar at them. The Earth seemed to shake once again. Since they had never experienced such a thing, that startled them and, momentarily at least, stopped them from pressing forward. This gave me sufficient time also to exit the cab and climb onto the roof of the truck. I skipped to the back and dropped down between the rear of the truck and the library doors. Opening the rear of the van – two thick swing doors – created partial protection from the zombies but we still needed to be quick because they could make their way underneath the truck’s doors. Based on what had happened when David roared at his fellows when we had left the Baillieu, I estimated that we would have a minute or two before the zombies started to press once again. I hoped I was correct. I could see the Baillieu survivors inside, observing the unfolding events. I could see Jude looking at me – and the mountains of food inside the truck. “Hey, Jude!” I yelled. “Tucker time! Open up.” The survivors got the message. The library doors were manually slid open – just wide enough for two men to get through - and part of the barricade was pushed aside. Several of the Baillieu’s wasted inmates, including Jude (“Henrietta- Maria”) emerged and hastily formed two human chains. Jude and I jumped up into the rear of the truck and feverishly passed the looser items down our respective human chains. Fresh supplies flooded into the Baillieu and I could see them piling up haphazardly inside the foyer. I could hear David still roaring at the other zombies but guessed that time was getting very short now. One against fifty – even when the one had access to a non-zombified brain – were desperately poor odds. He would soon be brushed aside by his fellows.
Ha’n kert hedhys, unnweyth arta, an zombis omglywas chons, dell grysyn – chons rag methyans. Yth esa, martesen, a-dro dhe hanterkans anedha – yowynk oll hag, yn apert, prederus ha bywek. Yth esens ow herdhya yn-rag, parys dh’omsettya warnan. Chons drog, ow sos – ni re dowlsa hemma ‘dherag dorn. Davydh a gwityas an kert ha direktya y ughella grommyans orta. Unnweyth arta, yth heveli an dor krena. Drefenn na brovsens i tra a’n par na, y fons amovyes oll – dres pols dhe’n lyha – ha stoppya aga herdhyans yn-rag. Ytho, yth esa dhymm termyn lowr rag gasa an kab keffrys ha krambla war do an kert. My a resas dhe’n delergh hag omasa dhe goedha y’n aswa yntra’n delergh ha darasow an lyverva. Pan o apert darasow a-dhelergh dhe’n kert, yth esa nebes difresyans erbynn an zombis mes res o dhyn hwath bos uskis drefenn bos aswaow meur yn-dann an darasow le may hyllens agan omsettya. War sel an pyth re hwarvsa pan vedhyg’sa Davydh orth y sos pan wrussyn gasa an Baillieu kyns, nyns esa saw unn po diw vynysenn, dell grysis, kyns an zombis dhe dhalleth agan herdhya unnweyth arta. Yth esa dhymm govenek meur ow bos ewn. My a ylli gweles an dreusvyworyon a-bervedh, ow mires orth an hwarvosow hag i displegyes. My a ylli gweles Jude ow mires orthymmo vy – hag orth menydh boes a-berth y’n kert. “Hay! Jude!” a ermis vy. “Termyn-kinyow! Gwra igeri an darasow.” Y dhegemmeras an dreusvyworyon an messaj ma. Darasow an lyverva a veu slynkyes igor gans dorn – ledan lowr may hylli dew dhen tremena – ha rann an barryas a veu herdhyes a-denewen. Nebes yntra’n brysnoryon, kow aga dewlagas ha Jude (“Henrietta-Maria”) y’ga mysk, a dheuth yn-mes ha furvya yn uskis diw gadonyow denel. My ha Jude a lammas yn delergh an kert ha passya an lowssa taklennow a-hys agan kadonyow denel ni. Yth esa proviansow kro ow liva y’n Baillieu ha my a ylli aga gweles ow bernya hwymm-hwamm a- berth y’n sal-dynnargh. My a ylli klywes Davydh hwath ow bedhygla orth an zombis erell mes my a wodhya bos berr dres eghenn an termyn ow remayna dhyn. Onan erbynn hanterkans – ha kyn hallsa an ‘onan’ gul devnydh ympynnyon anzombihes – o boghes chons yn hwir. Yn skon, herdhyes a-denewen a via ev gans y gothmans.


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