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This day, the Fourth Sunday of Easter, called “Good Shepherd Sunday”, invites us each year to rediscover, with ever new astonishment, how Jesus defined himself, reading it again in the light of his passion, death and resurrection. “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (Jn 10:11): these words are wholly fulfilled when Christ, freely obeying the will of the Father, is immolated on the Cross.
Četvrta vazmena nedjelja, dakle ova, koja se zove "Nedjelja Dobrog Pastira", svake nas godine poziva iznova otkriti, uvijek s novim čuđenjem, tu definiciju koju je Isus dao o sebi, ponovno je iščitavajući u svijetlu njegove muke, smrti i uskrsnuća: "Pastir dobri život svoj polaže za ovce" (Iv 10, 11).


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