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Author: langbot


Exodus 32 The Golden Calf 1And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said unto him, Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. 2And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me. 3And all the people brake off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought them unto Aaron. 4And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. 5And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made proclamation, and said, To morrow is a feast to the LORD. 6And they rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play. 7And the LORD said unto Moses, Go, get thee down; for thy people, which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves: 8they have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them: they have made them a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. 9And the LORD said unto Moses, I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people: 10now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation. 11And Moses besought the LORD his God, and said, LORD, why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy people, which thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great power, and with a mighty hand? 12Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people. 13Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, thy servants, to whom thou swarest by thine own self, and saidst unto them, I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven, and all this land that I have spoken of will I give unto your seed, and they shall inherit it for ever. 14And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. 15And Moses turned, and went down from the mount, and the two tables of the testimony were in his hand: the tables were written on both their sides; on the one side and on the other were they written. 16And the tables were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, graven upon the tables. 17And when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted, he said unto Moses, There is a noise of war in the camp. 18And he said, It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery, neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome: but the noise of them that sing do I hear. 19And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing: and Moses' anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount. 20And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strawed it upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink of it. 21And Moses said unto Aaron, What did this people unto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them? 22And Aaron said, Let not the anger of my lord wax hot: thou knowest the people, that they are set on mischief. 23For they said unto me, Make us gods, which shall go before us: for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. 24And I said unto them, Whosoever hath any gold, let them break it off. So they gave it me: then I cast it into the fire, and there came out this calf. 25And when Moses saw that the people were naked; (for Aaron had made them naked unto their shame among their enemies:) 26then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD's side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him. 27And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour. 28And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men. 29For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves to day to the LORD, even every man upon his son, and upon his brother; that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day. Repentance 30And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses said unto the people, Ye have sinned a great sin: and now I will go up unto the LORD; peradventure I shall make an atonement for your sin. 31And Moses returned unto the LORD, and said, Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, and have made them gods of gold. 32Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin–; and if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written. 33And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book. 34Therefore now go, lead the people unto the place of which I have spoken unto thee: behold, mine Angel shall go before thee: nevertheless in the day when I visit I will visit their sin upon them. 35And the LORD plagued the people, because they made the calf, which Aaron made.
AN BIBEL KERNEWEK 2020 Eksodus 32 An Leugh Owrek 1Pan welas an bobel Moyses dhe hokya a dhiyskynna a'n menydh, an bobel a omguntellas war-barth gans Aron ha leverel dhodho, ‘Yn-bann, gwra dhyn ni duwow a wra mones a-ragon; rag an Moyses ma, an gour a'gan dros yn-mes a bow Ejyp, ny wodhon an pyth eus hwarvedhys dhodho.’ 2Hag Aron a leveris dhedha, ‘Tennewgh dhe-ves an bysowyer owr usi yn skovornow agas gwragedh, agas mebyon ha'gas myrghes, ha'ga dri dhymm.’ 3Ytho oll an bobel a dennas aga bysowyer owr esa yn aga diwskovarn, ha'ga dri dhe Aron. 4Hag ev a dhegemmeras an owr a'ga diwla, ha'y weytha gans toul gravya, ha gwruthyl leugh teudh, hag i a leveris, ‘An re ma yw dha dhuwow, A Ysrael, a'th tros yn-mes a bow Ejyp.’ 5Pan welas Aron hemma, ev a dhrehevis alter a-dheragdho; hag Aron a wrug gwarnyans ow leverel, ‘A-vorow y fydh goel dhe'n ARLOEDH.’ 6Hag i a sevis a-varr myttin a-varr, hag offrynna offrynnow leskys ha dri offrynnow kres; ha'n bobel a esedhas dhe dhybri hag eva, ha sevel dhe wari. 7Ha'n ARLOEDH a leveris dhe Moyses, ‘Diyskynn; rag dha bobel, hag a dhresys yn-mes a bow Ejyp, re omdhefolas; 8i re dreylyas a-denewen yn uskis a'n fordh a worhemmynnis dhedha; i re wrug dhedha leugh teudh, ha'y wordhya ha sakrifia dhodho, ha leverel, “An re ma yw dha dhuwow, A Ysrael, a'th tros yn-mes a bow Ejyp.” ’ 9Ha'n ARLOEDH a leveris dhe Moyses, ‘My re welas an bobel ma, hag otta, yth yw pobel kales hy hilbenn; 10lemmyn ytho gas vy dhe'm honan may losko ow sorr toemm er aga fynn ha ma's kowllytthiv; mes my a wra ahanas kenedhel veur.’ 11Mes Moyses a bysis an ARLOEDH y Dhuw, ha leverel, ‘A ARLOEDH, prag y lesk toemm dha sorr erbynn dha bobel, a's dresys yn-mes a bow Ejyp gans galloes meur ha dorn grev? 12Prag y tegoedh dhe'n Ejyptianys leverel, “Gans tebel vynnas y hwrug aga dri yn-rag, dh'aga ladha y'n menydhyow, dh'aga howlladha war enep an nor”? Treyl a'th sorr fers ha re bo edrek dhis a'n tebelwrians erbynn dha bobel. 13Porth kov a Abraham, Ysak, hag Ysrael, dha servysi, dhe neb y hwrussys ti re'th honan ha leverel dhedha, “My a wra liesplekhe agas diyskynnysi avel ster nev, hag oll an tir ma re ambosis y rov dh'agas diyskynnysi, hag i a'n erit bys vykken” ’ 14Ha'n ARLOEDH a'n jevo edrek a'n drog a brederi gul dh'y bobel. 15Ha Moyses a dreylyas ha diyskynna a'n menydh gans diw leghenn an dustuni yn y dhorn, leghennow a veu skrifys war an dhew du; war an eyl tu ha war y gila y fons skrifys. 16Ha'n leghennow o ober Duw, ha'n skrif o skrif Duw, gravys war an leghennow. 17Pan glewas Yoshua tros an bobel dell armens, ev a leveris dhe Moyses, ‘Yma tros a vresel y'n kamp.’ 18Mes ev a leveris, ‘Nyns yw son garma rag trygh, na son kri fethans, mes son kana a glewav.’ 19Ha kettell dheuth nes dhe'n kamp ha gweles an leugh ha'n donsya, sorr Moyses a loskas fers, hag ev a dewlis an leghennow a'y dhiwdhorn ha'ga therri dhe droes an menydh. 20Hag ev a gemmeras an leugh re wrussons, ha'y leski gans tan, ha'y velyas dhe bolter, ha'y skoellya war an dowr hag a wrug dhe vebyon Ysrael y eva. 21Ha Moyses a leveris dhe Aron, ‘Pandr'a wrug an bobel ma dhis may hwrussys dri pegh meur warnedha?’ 22Hag Aron a leveris, ‘Na as sorr ow arloedh dhe leski fers; ty a aswonn an bobel hag yw parys rag tebelwrians. 23Rag i a leveris dhymm, “Gwra duwow dhyn a wra mos a-ragon; ha'n Moyses ma, an gour a'gan dros yn-mes a bow Ejyp, ny wodhon pyth re hwarva dhodho.” 24Ha my a leveris dhedha, “Neb a'n jeffo owr, gwres y denna anodho”; yndella i a'n ros dhymm, ha my a'n tewlis y'n tan, hag y teuth yn-mes an leugh ma.’ 25Ha pan welas Moyses bos an bobel gyllys anfronnys (rag Aron re's gasas dhe vos direwl, dh'aga meth yn mysk aga eskerens), 26ena Moyses a sevis dhe yet an kamp, ha leverel, ‘Piw eus gans an ARLOEDH? Des dhymm.’ Ha mebyon Levi oll a omguntellas dhodho. 27Hag y leveris dhedha, ‘Yndellma y lever an ARLOEDH, Duw Ysrael: “Pub den gorres y gledha war y glun. Kewgh ha dehweles a yet dhe yet der an kamp, ha ledhewgh pub den y vroder, ha pub den y goweth ha pub den y gentrevek.” ’ 28Ha mebyon Levi a wrug herwydh ger Moyses hag y koedhas a'n bobel an jydh na neb tri mil wour. 29Ha Moyses a leveris, ‘Hedhyw hwi re omsakras rag servis an ARLOEDH, peub orth kost y vab ha'y vroder, may hworro bennath warnowgh an jydh ma.’ 30An vorow Moyses a leveris dhe'n bobel, ‘Hwi re beghas pegh meur. Ha lemmyn my a wra yskynna dhe'n ARLOEDH; martesen my a yll gul prenedh rag agas pegh.’ 31Ytho Moyses a dhehwelis dhe'n ARLOEDH ha leverel, ‘Ogh, an bobel ma re beghas pegh meur; i re wrug dhedha duwow a owr. 32Mes lemmyn, mar mynnydh gava aga fegh – ha mar ny vynnydh, gwra ow defendya, my a'th pys, yn-mes a'th lyver re skrifsys.’ 33Mes an ARLOEDH a leveris dhe Moyses, ‘Neb re beghas er ow fynn, my a wra y dhefendya ev a'm lyver. 34Mes lemmyn, ke, hembronk an bobel dhe'n tyller a gewsis dhis anodho; otta, ow el a wra mos a-ragos. Byttegyns, an jydh may tyffiv, my a wra aga hessydhya a'ga fegh.’ 35Ha'n ARLOEDH a dhannvonas pla war an bobel rag i dhe wul an leugh a wrug Aron.


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