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I say with perfect logic because once they have adopted the position – utterly false, in our view – that thought precedes life, that abstract theory precedes social practice, and that sociology must therefore be the point of departure for social upheavals and reconstructions, they necessarily conclude that since thought, theory, and science, at least for the present, are the property of a very few individuals, those few must be the directors of social life. They must be not only the instigators but the managers of all popular movements, and on the morrow of the revolution a new social organization must be created not by the free union of popular associations, communes, districts, and provinces from below upward, in conformity with popular needs and instincts, but solely by means of the dictatorial power of this learned minority, which supposedly expresses the will of all the people.
Potpunoma logično jer, prihvativši kao temelj postavku, prema našem mišljenju potpunoma lažnu, da misao prethodi životu, apstraktna teorija društvenoj praksi, i da zbog toga sociološka znanost mora biti polazna točka za društvene prevrate i preobrazbe, obavezno dolaze do zaključka, budući da su misao, teorija, znanost u najmanju ruku u sadašnje vrijeme svojina malobrojnih, onda ti malobrojni moraju rukovoditi društvenim životom, moraju ne samo stimulirati već i upravljati svim narodnim pokretima, i da drugog dana revolucije novu društvenu organizaciju moraju stvarati ne slobodna društva narodnih asocijacija, općina, kotara odozdo prema gore u skladu s narodnim potrebama i instinktima, već jedino diktatorska vlast te učene manjine koja kao da izražava općenarodnu volju.


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