Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -1334679440464786264



10.16 If you are going to sneeze or cough, protect those around you: If you feel a sneeze or cough coming on, get up quickly, put your hand over your mouth and sneeze or cough with your head turned away from others. Quickly put your hand up to your face to catch the blast of air, preferably with a handkerchief––if you have time to get it out.
10.16 Si te sientes con ganas de estornudar o toser, protege a los demás: Si vas a estornudar o toser, párate rápido y, para detener la ráfaga de aire, cubre tu nariz y boca con tu mano, con un pañuelo, si tienes tiempo para sacarlo, y estornuda o tose hacia donde no hay gente.


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