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Author: EurLex-2


Žalobkyně se účastnila nabídkového řízení na projekt EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi nazvaný „Innovation to tender for Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazachstán, Kyrgyzstán, Turkmenistán, Uzbekistán)“, spadající do rámce programu 2002 TACIS (1).
Sagsøgeren har indgivet et bud som led i udbudsproceduren vedrørende projektet EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi med overskriften »Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan)«, som hører under TACIS-programmet 2002 (1).
Die Klägerin nahm an dem Ausschreibungsverfahren für das Projekt EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi mit dem Titel „Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)“ im Rahmen des TACIS-Programms 2002 teil. Mit Schreiben vom 2.
Η προσφεύγουσα/ενάγουσα συμμετέσχε στη διαδικασία προσκλήσεως προς υποβολή προσφορών για το σχέδιο EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi, τιτλοφορούμενο «Innovation to tender for Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)» και εντασσόμενο στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος TACIS 2002 (1).
The applicant took part in the tendering procedure in respect of the project EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi, entitled ‘Innovation to tender for Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)’, which is part of the TACIS Programme 2002 (1).
La demandante participó en el procedimiento de licitación relativo al proyecto EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi, denominado «Innovation to tender for Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)» que se enmarca dentro del Programa TACIS 2002 (1).
Hageja osales Programme 2002 TACIS (1) hulka kuuluva projekti EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi pealkirjaga “Innovation to tender for Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kasahstan, Kõrgrstan, Turkmenistan, Usbekistan)” pakkumismenetluses.
Kantaja osallistui tarjouspyyntömenettelyyn hankkeessa EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi nimeltään ”Innovation to tender for Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)”, joka sisältyi TACIS-ohjelmaan vuodelta 2002.
La requérante a participé à la procédure d'appel d'offres pour le projet EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi, intitulé «Innovation to tender for Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)» s'inscrivant dans le cadre du Programme 2002 TACIS (1).
A felperes részt vett a TACIS 2002 program részét képező „Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)” című EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi projektben.
La ricorrente ha partecipato al procedimento di gara per il progetto EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi, intitolato «Innovation to tender for Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)» che fa parte del contesto del Programma 2002 TACIS (1).
Ieškovė dalyvavo kvietimo teikti pasiūlymus procedūroje dėl 2002 m. TACIS (1) programos projekto EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi „Innovation to tender for Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)“. 2006 m. kovo 2 d. laišku Komisija ieškovei pranešė, jog jos pasiūlymas nebuvo atrinktas, nes jis nebuvo patraukliausias, ir kad sutartis buvo suteikta įmonei konkurentei.
Prasītāja ir piedalījusies projekta EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi, ar nosaukumu “Papildinājumi konkursam par informācijas sistēmas par cauruļvadu tīklu piegādi Vidusāzijas gāzes kompānijām (Kazahstāna, Kirgizstāna, Turkmenistāna, Uzbekistāna”, kas ietilpst Programmas 2002 TACIS (1) ietvaros, konkursa procedūrā.
Verzoekster heeft deelgenomen aan de aanbestedingsprocedure voor het project EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi, getiteld „Invitation to tender for Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)” [„Inschrijving voor levering van een pijpleidingnetwerk-informatiesysteem aan de gasbedrijven in Centraal-Azië (Kazachstan, Kirgizië, Turkmenistan, Oezbekistan)”], in het kader van het programma TACIS 2002 (1).
Skarżąca brała udział w procedurze przetargowej na projekt EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi zatytułowany „Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)” wpisany w ramy Programu 2002 TACIS (1).
A recorrente participou no concurso relativo ao projecto EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi intitulado «Innovation to tender for Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)» que se inscreve no âmbito do Programa 2002 TACIS (1).
Žalobca sa zúčastnil zadávacieho konania na projekt EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi s názvom „Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazachstan, Kirgisko, Turkménsko, Uzbekistan)“ v rámci programu 2002 TACIS (1).
Tožeča stranka je sodelovala v postopku javnega razpisa za projekt EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi z naslovom „Innovation to tender for Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)“, ki spada v okvir Programa TACIS 2002 (1).
Sökanden deltog i upphandlingsförfarandet avseende projektet EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi, kallat ”Supply of a Pipeline Network Information System to the Central Asia Gas companies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)” inom ramen för programmet 2002 TACIS (1).


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