Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -1436670783949887463


Author: latin-ancient


"Clasping the expiring man in his arms, in piteous accents he implored the spirit of his father to be propitious to him, and not to turn from him with loathing as from a parricide. ""This guilt,"" he said, ""is shared by all; how small a part of a civil war is a single soldier!"" With these words he raised the body, opened a grave, and discharged the last duties for his father."
is mox adultus, inter septimanos a Galba conscriptus, oblatum forte patrem et vulnere stratum dum semianimem scrutatur, agnitus agnoscensque et exanguem amplexus, voce flebili precabatur placatos patris manis, neve se ut parricidam aversarentur: publicum id facinus; et unum militem quotam civilium armorum partem? simul attollere corpus, aperire humum, supremo erga parentem officio fungi.


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