Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -1461886565347486458



It will be pointless, too, trying to tear the envelope into pieces, because everyone knows that letters from death are, by definition, indestructible, not even an acetylene blowtorch at full blast could do away with them, and the ingenuous trick of pretending that he has dropped it would prove equally useless because the letter won't allow itself to fall, it will stay as if glued to his fingers, and even if, by some miracle, the impossible should happen, you can be sure that some good-hearted citizen would immediately pick it up and run after the person who was busily pretending not to have noticed and say, This letter is yours, I believe, it might be important, and the man would have to reply sadly, Yes, it is important, thank you very much for your pains.
Tampoco merece la pena romperla en pedazos, ya se sabe que las cartas de la muerte son por definición indestructibles, ni un soplete de acetileno funcionando a máxima potencia sería capaz de entrar en ellas, y el ardid ingenuo de fingir que se le cae de la mano sería igualmente inútil porque la carta no se deja soltar, queda como pegada a los dedos, y si, por un milagro, lo contrario pudiera suceder, de más es sabido que aparecería enseguida un ciudadano de buena voluntad para recogerla y correr tras el falso distraído diciéndole, Creo que esta carta le pertenece, tal vez sea importante, y él debería responder melancólicamente, Sí, es importante, muchas gracias por su atención.


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