Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -1760055815046956485



28:4 И в страха си от него стражарите трепереха, и станаха като мъртви. 28:5 А ангелът проговори, като каза на жените: Вие не се бойте, защото зная, че търсите разпнатия Исус. 28:6 Няма Го тук; защото възкръсна, както и рече: дойдете и вижте мястото, гдето е лежал Господ.
3 And he was like a lightning to look upon, and his garment was white as snow; 4 And for fear of him they trembled, and kept watch, and they died. 5 But the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not; I know that you are seeking Jesus, the crucified; 6 He is not here; he is the resurrection as he said; come see the place where he was!


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