Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -18047933353218642



On a good team, each member performs in accordance with their abilities, and judging by your recent attempts to produce something approximating corn cake, it might be best for you to stick to chopping
Egy jó csapatban, minden tag azt teszi amit a legjobb képességei szerint nyújtani tud, és ha a legutóbbi kísérletedet nézzük, hogy valami kukorica tortához hasonlító dolgot kreáltál, talán jobb, ha a favágás mellett maradsz
In een goed team, handelt elk lid naar zijn mogelijkheden,Afgaande op jouw recentelijke pogingen maïsbrood te maken is het beter dat je hout blijft hakken
Într- o echipă bună fiecare membru produce în funcţie de abilităţile sale şi judecând după încercările tale recente de a face ceva care seamănă cu plăcinta cu porumb, poate ar fi mai bine pentru tine să te rezumi la tăiatul de lemne


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