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Some writers, L. Martov, for example, are prone to wave aside the connection between imperialism and opportunism in the working-class movement--a particularly glaring fact at the present time--by resorting to "official optimism" (à la Kautsky and Huysmans) like the following: the cause of the opponents of capitalism would be hopeless if it were precisely progressive capitalism that led to the increase of opportunism, or, if it were precisely the best paid workers who were inclined towards opportunism, etc. We must have no illusions about "optimism" of this kind.
有些作家,例如尔 ·马尔托夫,爱用一种"官场的乐观主义的 " ( 同考茨基、胡斯曼一样)论断,来回避帝国主义同工人运 动中的机会主义相联系这个现在特别引人注目的事实,说什么假如正是先进的资本主义会加强机会主义,或者,假如正是待遇最好的工人倾向于机会主义,那么反对 资本主义的人们的事业就会没有希望了,等等。 不要看错了这种"乐观主义"的意义:这是对机会主义的乐观主义,这是用来掩护机会主义的乐观主义。


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