Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -1941276935855540026



Bu'r Gweinidog yn ofalus wrth geisio ymbellhau oddi wrth reolaeth weithredol ELWa , ond noda adroddiad y Swyddfa Archwilio Genedlaethol yn glir , o ran y Ffatri Bop , fod yr is-adran addysg a dysgu gydol oes yn gysylltiedig â phroses gwneud penderfyniadau , ac i'r Gweinidog gymeradwyo'r pecyn ariannol ar ôl iddi gael ei hargyhoeddi bod ELWa wedi ymdrin â phryderon cynnar ei swyddogion
The Minister has been careful to try to distance herself from the operational control of ELWa , but the National Audit Office report is clear that , with regard to the Pop Factory , the education and lifelong learning division was involved in a decision making process , and the Minister signed off the financial package after she was satisfied that her officials ' initial concerns had been dealt with


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