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Author: EurLex-2


24 – Viz zejména European Max-Planck Group on Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property (CLIP), Intellectual Property and the Reform of Private International Law: Sparks from a Difficult Relationship, IPRax, 2007, č. 4, s. 284; body 78 až 85, jakož i judikatura uvedená v bodě 78 stanoviska generální advokátky Trstenjak ve věci, ve které byl vydán výše uvedený rozsudek Painer; kromě toho viz Muir Watt, H., „Article 6“, v Magnus, U. a Mankowski, P, Brussels I Regulation, 2. vydání, Sellier, European Law Publishers, 2012, s. 313, č. 25a; Noorgård, M., „A, Spider without a Web?
24 – See, in particular, European Max-Planck Group on Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property (CLIP), Intellectual Property and the Reform of Private International Law: Sparks from a Difficult Relationship, IPRax, 2007, No 4, p. 284; points 78 to 85, and the case-law cited in point 78 of the Opinion delivered by Advocate General Trstenjak in Painer; see also Muir Watt, H., ‘Article 6’, in Magnus, U. and Mankowski, P., Brussels I Regulation, 2nd ed., Sellier, European Law Publishers, 2012, p. 313, No 25a; Noorgård, M., ‘A Spider without a Web?
24 – Vt eelkõige European Max-Planck Group on Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property (CLIP), Intellectual Property and the Reform of Private International Law: Sparks from a Difficult Relationship, IPRax, 2007, nr 4, lk 284; kohtujurist Trstenjaki ettepanek kohtuasjas, milles tehti eespool viidatud kohtuotsus Painer (ettepaneku punktid 78–85 ning ettepaneku punktis 78 viidatud kohtupraktika); vt lisaks Muir Watt H., „Article 6”, teoses Magnus, U. ja Mankowski, P, Brussels I Regulation, 2. tr, Sellier, European Law Publishers, 2012, lk 313, nr 25a; Noorgård M., A, Spider without a Web?
24 – Ks. erityisesti European Max-Planck Group on Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property (CLIP), Intellectual Property and the Reform of Private International Law: Sparks from a Difficult Relationship, IPRax, 2007, nro 4, s. 284; julkisasiamies Trstenjakin em. asiassa Painer 12.4.2011 antaman ratkaisuehdotuksen 78–85 kohta sekä kyseisen ratkaisuehdotuksen 78 kohdassa mainittu oikeuskäytäntö; ks. lisäksi Muir Watt H., ”Article 6”, teoksessa Magnus, U. ja Mankowski, P, Brussels I Regulation, 2. painos, Sellier, European Law Publishers, 2012, s. 313, nro 25a; Noorgård M., ”A, Spider without a Web?
24 — Voir, notamment, European Max-Planck Group on Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property (CLIP), Intellectual Property and the Reform of Private International Law: Sparks from a Difficult Relationship, IPRax, 2007, no 4, p. 284; points 78 à 85 ainsi que jurisprudence citée au point 78 des conclusions de l’avocat général Trstenjak dans l’affaire ayant donné lieu à l’arrêt Painer, précité; voir en outre, Muir Watt, H., «Article 6», dans Magnus, U., et Mankowski, P, Brussels I Regulation, 2e éd., Sellier, European Law Publishers, 2012, p. 313, no 25a; Noorgård M., «A, Spider without a Web?
24 – V., in particolare, European Max-Planck Group on Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property (CLIP), Intellectual Property and the Reform of Private International Law: Sparks from a Difficult Relationship, IPRax, 2007, n. 4, pag. 284; paragrafi 78-85 nonché giurisprudenza citata al paragrafo 78 delle conclusioni dell’avvocato generale Trstenjak nella causa che ha dato luogo alla sentenza Painer, cit.; v., inoltre, Muir Watt, H., «Article 6», in Magnus, U., e Mankowski, P., Brussels I Regulation, 2a ed., Sellier, European Law Publishers, 2012, pag. 313, n. 25a; Noorgård, M., «A Spider without a Web?
24 – Zie met name European Max-Planck Group on Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property (CLIP), Intellectual Property and the Reform of Private International Law: Sparks from a Difficult Relationship, IPRax, 2007, nr. 4, blz. 284; conclusie van advocaat-generaal Trstenjak van 12 april 2011 bij het reeds aangehaalde arrest Painer, punten 78-85, alsmede de aldaar in punt 78 aangehaalde rechtspraak; zie voorts Muir Watt, H., „Article 6”, in Magnus, U., en Mankowski, P., Brussels I Regulation, 2e druk, Sellier, European Law Publishers, 2012, blz. 313, nr. 25a; Noorgård, M., „A, Spider without a Web?
24 — A se vedea în special European Max-Planck Group on Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property (CLIP), Intellectual Property and the Reform of Private International Law: Sparks from a Difficult Relationship, IPRax, 2007, nr. 4, p. 284; punctele 78-85, precum și jurisprudența citată la punctul 78 din Concluziile avocatului general Trstenjak prezentate în cauza care a determinat pronunțarea Hotărârii Painer, citată anterior; a se vedea, în plus, Muir Watt, H., „Article 6”, în Magnus, U., și Mankowski, P., Brussels I Regulation, ediția a doua, Sellier, European Law Publishers, 2012, p. 313, nr. 25a; Noorgård, M., „A, Spider without a Web?
24 – Se, bland annat, European Max-Planck Group on Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property (CLIP), ”Intellectual Property and the Reform of Private International Law: Sparks from a Difficult Relationship”, IPRax, 2007, nr 4, s. 284; generaladvokaten Trstenjaks förslag till avgörande i målet Painer (ovan fotnot 19), punkterna 78–85 samt i punkt 78 angiven rättspraxis; se vidare Muir Watt, H., ”Article 6”, i Magnus, U. och Mankowski, P., Brussels I Regulation, 2:a uppl., Sellier, European Law Publishers, 2012, s. 313, nr 25a; Noorgård M., ”A Spider without a Web?


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