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Amongst them, he won a prize at the 6th Fine Art Exhibition for his ink painting Stele Gorves and was awarded the first prize for his work Brook at the 1988 International Chinese Traditional Paintings Exhibition, and submitted Swimmers under the sunlight, Sunflowers and others at the Critics' Nomination Chinese Painting Exhibition in 1993. Thunder Pike (雷鋒) was submitted for the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China Arts Exhibition held in 1994 and Sunlight of Tibet and Pass into the City (進城) were subsequently submitted at the 2nd and 3rd Beijing International Art Biennale.
그 가운데서 중국화 《비림(碑林)》은 전국 제6회 미술전시회 우수상을 받았고 《냇물》은 베이징 88국제수묵화전시회에서 대상을 받았으며 《햇빛 아래 수영하는 사람》, 《해바라기》 등은 93비평가 추천 전시회에 출품했다. 《뢰봉(雷鋒)》은 중국공산당 창립 80주년미술작품전에 출품했으며 《티베트의 햇빛》, 《진성(進城, 도시에 들어가다)》은 베이징 제2회, 제3회 국제미술비엔날레에 연달아 출품하였다.


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