Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -2110979261375076943



If a “Commercial Invoice” is requested which excludes such items as taxes or shipping charges, the shipment will be insured for the amount shown on the Commercial Invoice, If the package is lost or damaged, the customer can claim only the amount shown on the Commercial Invoice but will still be held liable for the total amount of the original Med-Linket invoice.
Ef óskað er eftir að "Commercial Invoice" sem útilokar svo atriði sem skatta eða sendingarkostnað, sendingin verður tryggður fyrir þá upphæð sem tilgreind er á Commercial Invoice, ef pakki glatast eða skemmist, sem viðskiptavinurinn getur krafist aðeins magn sem sýndar eru á Commercial Invoice en mun samt teljast ábyrgir fyrir heildar upphæð upprunalegu Med-Linket reikningi.


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