Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -2176374925196823661


Author: EurLex-2


under henvisning til anmeldelse af 7. juni 1989 fra Lloyd's Underwriters' Association og Institute of London Underwriters af to aftaler, kaskoforsikringsaftalen (Joint Hull Understandings) og konkurrenceaftalen (Respect of Lead Agreement), og de to brancheforeningers ansoegning af samme dato om meddelelse af fritagelse og/eller udstedelse af negativattest for aftalerne,
im Hinblick auf die von der Lloyd's Underwriters' Association und dem Institute of London Underwriters am 7. Juni 1989 angemeldeten Vereinbarungen Joint Hull Understandings (JHU) und Respect of Lead Agreement (RLA) nebst Antrag auf Freistellung und/oder Negativattest,
την κοινοποίηση και την αίτηση χορήγησης απαλλαγής ή/και αρνητικής πιστοποίησης της 7ης Ιουνίου 1989, η οποία υποβλήθηκε στην Επιτροπή από την Lloyd's Underwriters Association (Ένωση Ασφαλιστών Lloyd's) και το Institut of London Underwriters (Οργανισμός Ασφαλιστών Λονδίνου) σχετικά με δύο συμφωνίες, και συγκεκριμένα τη συμφωνία "συμφωνία στον τομέα της ασφάλισης σκαφών" Joint Hull Understandings - JHU) και τη συμφωνία "Τήρηση της Συμφωνίας για τους Κύριους Ασφαλιστές", (Respect of Lead Agreement - RLA),
Having regard to the notification and application for exemption and/or negative clearance of 7 June 1989 submitted to the Commission by Lloyd's Underwriters' Association and the Institute of London Underwriters of two agreements, namely the Joint Hull Understandings (JHU) and the Respect of Lead Agreement (RLA),
Vistas la notificación y solicitud de exención y/o de declaración negativa presentadas a la Comisión, el 7 de junio de 1989, por Lloyd's Underwriters' Association e Institute of London Underwriters en relación con dos acuerdos, Joint Hull Understandings (JHU) y Respect of Lead Agreements (RLA),
vu la notification et la demande d'exemption et/ou d'attestation négative soumises à la Commission le 7 juin 1989 par l'association des souscripteurs du Lloyd's et l'Institut des souscripteurs de Londres pour deux accords, à savoir « arrangements en matière d'assurance sur corps » (Joint Hull Understandings - JHU) et « respect de l'accord d'apérition » (Respect of Lead Agreement - RLA),
vista la notificazione e la domanda di esenzione e/o attestazione negativa presentata alla Commissione il 7 giugno 1989 dalla Lloyd's Underwriters' Association e dall'Institute of London Underwriters in ordine a due accordi, segnatamente il Joint Hull Understandings (JHU) e il Respect of Lead Agreement (RLA),
Gezien de aanmelding en het verzoek om ontheffing en/of een negatieve verklaring, dat op 7 juni 1989 door Lloyd's Underwriters' Association en het Institute of London Underwriters bij de Commissie is ingediend ter zake van twee overeenkomsten, namelijk de "Joint Hull Understandings" en de "Respect of Lead Agreement",
Tendo em conta a notificação e o pedido de isenção e/ou de certificado negativo, de 7 de Junho de 1989, apresentado à Comissão pela Lloyd's Underwriters' Association e pelo Institute of London Underwriters em relação a dois acordos, nomeadamente o Acordo comum de seguro de cascos (Joint Hull Understandings - JHU) e o Acordo de respeito da liderança (Respect of Lead Agreement - RLA),


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