Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -2185441583953151438



He has invented a new method of producing, and has made production and distribution his new idol. He worships the work of his hands and has reduced himself to being the servant of things. He uses the name of God, of freedom, of humanity, of socialism, in vain; he prides himself on his powers – the bombs and the machines – to cover up his human bankruptcy; he boasts of his power to destroy in order to hide his human impotence.
Ha convertido la producción y la distribución en su nuevo ídolo...Se enorgullece de su poder a fin de ocultar su bancarrota humana. Creo que la única fuerza capaz de salvarnos del autoaniquilamiento es la razón, la capacidad de reconocer la irrealidad de la mayoría de las ideas sostenidas por el hombre y de penetrar en esa realidad envuelta por innumerables capas de engaño y falsas ideologías.


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