Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -2352928787700750768


Author: cordis


Im Rahmen des Projekts GALACTIC JETS (Studies of jets from galactic black holes and neutron stars) verwendeten die Wissenschaftler das Very Large Array und das Very Large Baseline Array in den USA sowie das Europäische VLBI-Netzwerk, um die von Röntgendoppeln emittierte Strahlung bei allen Wellenlängen zu untersuchen.
In the GALACTIC JETS (Studies of jets from galactic black holes and neutron stars) project, scientists used the Very Large Array and the Very Large Baseline Array in the USA as well as the European VLBI Network to look at the radiation emitted by X-ray binaries at all wavelengths.
En el proyecto GALACTIC JETS (Studies of jets from galactic black holes and neutron stars), los científicos utilizaron la Very Large Array y la Very Large Baseline Array de Estados Unidos, así como la red VLBI europea, para estudiar la radiación emitida por binarias de rayos X en todas las longitudes de onda.
Dans le projet GALACTIC JETS (Studies of jets from galactic black holes and neutron stars), les scientifiques ont utilisé le Very Large Array et le Very Large Baseline Array dans le réseau VLBI européen et des États-Unis pour étudier les rayonnements émis par les rayons X binaires à toutes les longueurs d'onde.
Nell’ambito del progetto GALACTIC JETS (Studies of jets from galactic black holes and neutron stars), gli scienziati hanno utilizzato gli osservatori americani Very Large Array e Very Large Baseline Array, così come la rete europea VLBI, al fine di osservare la radiazione emessa dalle binarie a raggi X a tutte le lunghezze d’onda.
W ramach projektu GALACTIC JETS (Studies of jets from galactic black holes and neutron stars) naukowcy posłużyli się teleskopami Very Large Array i Very Large Baseline Array w USA, a także europejską siecią VLBI, aby przyjrzeć się promieniowaniu emitowanemu przez rentgenowskie układy podwójne na wszystkich długościach fali.


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