Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -2429109312208270522


Author: Eurlex2019


Es gibt eine ganze Reihe von Beispielen, wie die besondere Abteilung ihre Befugnisse dazu genutzt hat, den Verlauf strafrechtlicher Ermittlungen in einer Weise zu beeinflussen, die ernsthafte Zweifel an ihrer Objektivität wecken 21 .
21 These examples include cases where the Special Section launched investigations against judges and prosecutors who had opposed the current changes to the judicial system, as well as abrupt changes in the approach followed in pending cases, such as the withdrawal of appeals previously lodged by the DNA in high-level corruption cases.
Plusieurs exemples montrent que la section spéciale a exercé ses pouvoirs pour modifier le déroulement de certaines enquêtes pénales d’une manière qui suscite de sérieux doutes quant à son objectivité 21 .
Au existat mai multe situații în care Secția specială a intervenit pentru a schimba cursul anchetelor penale într-un mod care ridică îndoieli serioase cu privire la obiectivitatea sa 21 .


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