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With the tempered optimism characteristic of the Marxian tradition, most of these currents tended to assume (as did this author) that the moribund Stalinist bureaucracy’s immediate major contender for power would be the revolutionary working class, fighting at last for real socialism. Few foresaw – most particularly, but not only, the Trotskyists, for whom the Eastern bloc ostensibly rested on foundations socially superior to the West – that the main contenders for the post-Stalinist succession would not be revolutionary Marxism but a blindly pro-Western neo-liberalism inspired by von Hayek and Milton Friedman, and resurgent authoritarian rightist currents of interwar vintage (with ex-Stalinists prominent in both currents).
맑스주의전통에특유한단련된낙관주의와더불어,이들경향대부분은 (필자자신이그러했듯이) 사멸해가는스딸린주의적관료제의당면한주요경쟁자는,마침내진정한사회주의를위해투쟁하는, 혁명적노동계급이될것이라고생각하곤했다. 거의누구도스딸린주의이후계승의주요경쟁자가혁명적맑스주의가아니라, 폰하이에크와밀턴프리드만에고취된맹목적인친서구신자유주의와전간(戰間)에생성된부활한권위주의적우파경향이될것이라는사실을예견하지못했다–유일하지는않지만가장특별하게는뜨로츠끼주의자들.


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