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41 And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob. 42 And these words of Esau her elder son were told to Rebekah: and she sent and called Jacob her younger son, and said unto him, Behold, thy brother Esau, as touching thee, doth comfort himself, purposing to kill thee.
Norwegian Nynorsk[nn]
41 Men Esau hata Jakob for den velsigningi som far hans hadde lyst yver han, og Esau sa med seg sjølv: Snart kjem den tidi då me lyt syrgja yver far min; då skal eg drepa Jakob, bror min. 42 Og Rebekka fekk vita kva Esau, eldste son hennar, hadde sagt. Då sende ho bod etter Jakob, yngste son sin, og sa til han: Høyr her!


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