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That this inevitable damage follows a regime of separation is attested by not a few among the very nations that, after having introduced it in their regulations, very soon realized the necessity of remedying the error, either modifying, at least in their interpretation and application, the laws persecuting the Church, or endeavoring, in spite of separation, to come to a pacific plan of coexistence and cooperation with the Church.
Huiuscemodi damna ex hoc uiscidio proficisci, eae non paucae testantur Nationes, quae, cum id ipsum in suam rei publicae ordinationem induxissent, haud ita multo post rei medendi opportunitatem professae sunt, seu leges Ecclesiae infensas — ad interpretationem saltem et ad usum quod pertinet — commutando temperandoque, seu id efficiendo, ut, quamvis haec seiunctio permaneat, Civitas tamen et Ecclesia pacate inter se conversentur mutuamque sibi operam praestent.


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