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For it is sufficiently well known how many of the children of Francis, as well as of Dominic and of Loyola, were accustomed during the two following centuries to voyage thither for this purpose; how they cared for the colonies brought over from Europe; but primarily and chiefly how they converted the natives from superstition to Christianity, sealing their labors in many instances with the testimony of their blood.
È abbastanza noto quanti Francescani, Domenicani e Gesuiti nei due secoli successivi hanno abitualmente navigato fino a codeste terre per assistere le colonie emigrate dall’Europa, ma prima di tutto e massimamente per convertire gl’indigeni dalla superstizione al cristianesimo, consacrando non raramente le loro fatiche con la testimonianza del sangue.
Satis enim est cognitum quot e Franciscana familia, item ex Dominicana et Loiolaea, duobus continentibus saeculis, istuc navigare huius rei gratia consueverint, ut deductas ex Europa colonias excolerent, sed in primis et maxime ut ad christiana sacra indigenas ex superstitione traducerent, consecratis non semel cruento testimonio laboribus.


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