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Author: WikiMatrix


In the 19th-century monasticism was revived in the Church of England, leading to the foundation of such institutions as the House of the Resurrection, Mirfield (Community of the Resurrection), Nashdom Abbey (Benedictine), Cleeve Priory (Community of the Glorious Ascension) and Ewell Monastery (Cistercian), Benedictine orders, Franciscan orders and the Orders of the Holy Cross, Order of St. Helena.
Pada abad ke-19, kebangkitan kembali monastisisme dalam gereja Inggris mendorong terbentuknya lembaga-lembaga pertarakan seperti House of the Resurrection, Mirfield (Community of the Resurrection), Biara Nashdom (Benediktin), Priorat Cleeve (Community of the Glorious Ascension) dan Biara Ewell (Sistersian), tarekat-tarekat Benediktin, tarekat-tarekat Fransiskan, tarekat-tarekat Salib Suci, tarekat Santa Helena.


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