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The attempt was to build a party which united all political tendencies in the workers' movement--a unitary party of the whole class, or at least of all elements interested in political opposition to the parties of the bourgeoisie. The pre-Leninist programme was for a party which was a kind of permanent soviet or united front of the whole working class, and the workers' parties which were built included in them reformists, opportunists, utopians and so on. Marx and his successors had important polemics with such tendencies as Proudhonism, Bakuninism, Lasalleanism, Bernsteinism and so on.
레닌 이전의 당강령은 일종의 상설 소비에트나 노동계급 전체의 상설 공동전선에 해당되는 정당의 건설을 주창했다. 결국 개량주의자, 기회주의자, 공상적 사회주의자 등이 모두 이 정당을 통해 포괄되어야 한다고 이들은 보았다. 맑스와 그의 후계자들은 프루동, 바쿠닌, 라쌀레, 베른슈타인 등과 같은 인물들이 주도하는 정치 세력들과 중요한 문제들을 놓고 논쟁하였다.


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