Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -297449991300994626



Er y gadawyd y cenedlaetholwyr yng nghyfnod trethu a gwario'r 1970au , a ddistrywiodd wasanaethau'r sector cyhoeddus a ffyniant y sector preifat , gobeithiaf o hyd y symudant efallai i'r unfed ganrif ar hugain ryw ddiwrnod ac y derbyniant realiti'r sefyllfa a'r manteision i bawb sydd ynghlwm â'r mater
Although the nationalists are still left in the tax and spend period of the 1970s , which devastated public sector services and the prosperity of the private sector , I still live in hope and maybe , they will move into the twenty-first century one day and accept the reality of the situation and the benefits to everyone concerned


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