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Chief Executive of Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA), Karikoga Kaseke (Centre) briefing the International buyers who are attending the 8th edition of the Sanganai/Hlanganani–World Tourism Expo which is taking place in Harare International Conference Centre. Others from left is Mr. Wengayi Nhau the Representative from Zimbabwe Council for Tourism (ZCT), Executive Director Destination Marketing, Mr. Manjengwa Jefferies, Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Givemore Chidzidzi and Head of Africa & Middle East of Zimbabwe Tourism Authority, Ms. Praise Gurumani Mazhandu. The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) has a mandate of marketing Zimbabwe as a tourism destination boasts its success in the tourism industry, by saying that last year the sector contributed 11 percent of the GDP. On top of that the Authority has confidence that by the year 2020 they will be contributing 15 percent.
Rais Dkt.Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akiwa katika picha ya pamoja na wafanyakazi wa ubalozi wa Tanzania nchini India na familia zao jana muda mfupi baada ya kuzungumza nao katika hoteli ya Taj Mahal Palace jijini New Delhi India ambapo yuko kwa ziara ya kiserikali.Walioketi mbele kutoka kushoto ni baadhi ya mawaziri anaofuatana nao katika ziara hii.Wapili kushoto ni Naibu Waziri wa mambo ya Nje Mahadhi Juma Maalim, watatu kushoto ni Waziri wa Maji Prof.Jumanne Maghembe,watatu kulia ni Waziri wa Nchi ofisi ya Rais Zanzibar Haji Omar Kheri,Wanne kulia ni Waziri wa Viwanda na Biashara Dr.Abdallah Kigoda, na wapili kulia ni Mbunge wa Nzega Said Nkumba.


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