Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -3059430022873507787



These bombs Gongolamboto date 16Feb 2011 were more explosions happened in MBAGALA on 29 April, 2009. and that shows how the government was negligent in monitoring the sector. We expect that the offense of first disaster will be a lesson and produce best way to rectify the situation from occurring again and if it happens then the environment to prevent hazardous assumed like disaster happened mbagala were enormous and the number of people who lost their lives was too great instead we announced that little of those who died different from the actual number. by this we also asked the government to be open to inform disaster and the effects of explosions number of lifeless and injured the eve of same day.
Kesi iliendelea na ushahidi ulitolewa japo kulikuwa na uongo wa kitoto na kutunga huku na kule kwa upande wa mashahidi. mtu anaulizwa imekuaje umekutwa na Swetu akiwa hajitambui wakati umeondoka naye mzima anajibu liliuwa jambazi na alikuwa anajitetea asidhuriwe hivi wewe mwanajeshi kamili tena watatu mnashindwa kumzibiti jambazi bila ya kumuua? ni mafunzo ya wapi mlifundishwa kukamata waalifu na kuwauwa? na hii si kwa hawa tu vitendo hivi vinafanyika kote duniani POLICE, WANAJESHI, WAGAMBO NA VIONGOZI waliowekwa kulinda na kutetea mali na watu lakini wenyewe wanatumia madaraka hayo kuwanyonga na kuwadhurumu na kuwadidimiza na hata kuwahua raia wasio na kosa. Sasa hii ni fundisho kwa wote wenyekuonea wanyonge nakujichukulia sheria mkononi. Kumbuka Hasira ni Hasara dhibiti hasira zako kijana zitakuponza.


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