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The Central American country became the sixth OAS member to ratify the treaty that was adopted at the General Assembly in June last year. Depositing the ratification instruments during the OAS General Assembly, which ends today in the Chilean capital, Nicaragua’s Foreign Affairs Minister Norman Caldera said “the anti-terrorism treaty’s impending entry into force shows the OAS can adapt to the times, rather than be stymied or seeking refuge in the past.”
En el marco del trigésimo tercer período ordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General de la OEA, que sesiona actualmente en la capital chilena, el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Nicaragua, Norman Caldera, ratificó en nombre de su gobierno el mencionado instrumento jurídico, afirmando que “la entrada en vigor de esta Convención pone de manifiesto que la OEA ha sido capaz de responder a los nuevos tiempos, sin anquilosarse ni refugiarse en el pasado”.


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