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But we know that difficult days are coming," he says.My close friend from university days, Nicholas Snowman, has lived in France on and off for nearly 40 years.He is an arts administrator who once ran Glyndebourne and London's South Bank, and then moved on to the Strasbourg Opera, and is a Chevalier of the Legion d'Honneur."Frankly," he says over coffee in a nice little bakery in Paris, "this country has to decide whether it is going to be the world's best-ever Club Med, with fantastic tourist attractions and culture, and will go bust, or whether it will change its entire way of running itself and survive.
我大学时代的亲密朋友尼古拉斯·斯诺曼断断续续在法国呆了近40年。 他是艺术管理人,曾经管理过格莱德堡歌剧院和伦敦南岸大学,然后到了斯特拉斯堡歌剧院,现在是荣誉军团骑士 。 " 坦率地说 , " 他在巴黎一家精致的小面包店里喝着咖啡说 , " 这个国家必须决定它是否要成为世界上有史以来拥有梦幻般旅游景点和文化的最好的地中海俱乐部,以及能否经受财政崩溃,或者是否它会改变其整个自我营运的方式和生存方式,所以毫无奇怪大家都在担心 。 "


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