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Author: langbot


A tentative answer was not too hard to guess at. The corpses that remained lying about were, almost uniformly, quite incomplete. Indeed, some of the ‘corpses’ were actually just ‘bits’. So, it seemed there needed to be enough of the victim still hanging together before reanimation was possible. (Poor Meryl was definitely not going to make a re-appearance – but she was a girl anyway and, as you will recall, girls don’t become zombies.) So, how much was enough? Yes, I’ll admit it was a macabre question to ponder – but a question that seemed not out of place as we approached the Swanston Street exit of the Uni campus. I stood on the footpath, still holding David’s clammy hand. “Which way shall we go, Mate?” I asked. “Into the city or shall we go into Carlton?” He grunted. Maybe he understood the question but his grunted answer was unhelpful. (Hey, he was still male – I think.) So, we headed off towards Lygon Street, Carlton. Nowadays, there’s a lovely big supermarket in the main street – but not in the early 1970’s. As we walked down Faraday Street, I saw the familiar sight of the Carlton Movie-house – the ‘Bug House’ as it was then called. But this was not the establishment I needed – that was next door: “Genevieve’s”. (Café? Restaurant? Can’t recall what it called itself. It was always just “Genevieve’s” – named after an old cinematic car, as I recall.) “Fancy a cappuccino, Dave?” I asked. “I’m dying for a caffeine fix.” David seemed uninterested. Do zombies like a strong coffee? They look like they need it. No matter. In any event, I couldn’t get the cappuccino machine up and running and had to make do with ‘instant’ – yuck!
Nyns esa gorthyp a-gynnik re gales bos dismygys. Yth esens poran andhien, an korfow a remaynya a’ga gorwedh oll a-dro – ogas hag oll anedha. Yn hwir, nyns o nebes a’n ‘korfow’ a-der ‘temmyn’. Ytho, yth heveli bos edhomm a remenant lowr an vyktymow hwath ow klena warbarth kyns o possybyl dasvywya. (Ytho, nyns o possybyl Meryl anfeusik dhe wul omdhiskwedhyans arta – mes hi o myrgh yn neb kas ha, dell berthowgh kov, ny dheu ha bos an myrghes zombis.) Ytho, py remenant yw lowr? Ya, kwestyon skruthus lowr o mayth ombrederi, dell amyttyav, mes nyns o kwestyon anwiw ha ni neshes porth an kampus dhe Stret Swanston. Yth esen a’m sav war an gerdhva, hwath ow talghenna leuv oerlyp Davydh: “Py fordh a vynnyn mos, ‘Vata?” a wovynnis vy. “Yn sita, po a vynnyn mos yn Karlton?” Ev a roghas. Martesen, ev a gonvedhas an kwestyon mes y worthyp roghys o heb gweres ragov vy. (Ev o hwath gorow, yn apert.) Ytho, ni a dhallathas kerdhes troha Stret Lygon, Karlton. Y’n dydhyow ma, yma gorvarghas deg yn kres an stret na – mes nyns o an kas y’n blydhynyow 1970. Ha ni kerdhys a-hys Stret Faraday, my a welas gwel aswonnys yn ta: Chi Fylmow Karlton – an “Jideurek” dell o les-henwys, y’n tor’na. Mes nyns o an drehevyans mayth esa edhomm dhymm – henn o an nessa daras: “Chi Gwynnuwer”. (Koffiji? Boesti? Ny allav perthi kov an hanow gwir. Nyns o travyth a-der “Chi Gwynnuwer” herwydh usadow – a-barth karr-tan koth sinematek, dell grysav.) “A vynnta kappouchinow, a Dhavydh?” a wovynnis. “Yma edhomm meur dhymm a dhosenn kaffin.” Yth heveli nag esa henna didheurek dhe Dhavydh. A gar an zombis koffi krev? Yth esa edhomm anodho dhedha, dhe’m breus vy. Ny vern. Yn neb kas, ny yllyn gul an jynn-gappouchino gweytha – hag ytho res o dhymm eva ‘instant’ – thukk! 49


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