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Napoleon gave a slight backward turn of his head, and a slight motion of his little fat hand, as though seeking something with it. The members of his suite, who guessed the same second what was wanted, were all in a bustle; they whispered together, passing something from one to another, and a page—the same one Rostov had seen the previous evening at Boris's quarters—ran forward, and respectfully bowing over the outstretched hand and not keeping it one instant waiting, put in it an order on a red ribbon.
拿破仑稍微扭转头,把那胖乎乎的小手向后伸,好像想拿件什么东西似的。 就在这时候他的侍从们猜中了是怎么回事,开始慌乱起来,动弹起来,互相传递着一样东西;罗斯托夫昨天在鲍里斯那儿看见的那个少年侍从向前跑去,毕恭毕敬地向那只伸出的手弯下身子,省得它多等一秒钟,他将一枚系有红色绶带的勋章搁在他手上。


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