Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -4079800708819683340



In the pauses in the dance the count drew a deep breath, waved his hands and shouted to the musician to play faster. More and more quickly, more and more nimbly the count pirouetted, turning now on his toes and now on his heels, round Marya Dmitryevna. At last, twisting his lady round to her place, he executed the last steps, kicking his supple legs up behind him, and bowing his perspiring head and smiling face, with a round sweep of his right arm, amidst a thunder of applause and laughter, in which Natasha's laugh was loudest.
跳舞暂停时,伯爵吃力地喘气,向乐师们挥手喊叫,要他们快点奏乐。 伯爵围绕着玛丽亚·德米特里耶夫娜疾速地旋转,时而把脚尖踮起,时而把脚跟跺地,越来越矫捷,越来越勇猛,终于把舞伴领到她的坐位上,他把一只脚向后磴起来,低垂淌着热汗的头,这样才跳完了最后一个舞步,在洪亮的掌声和笑声中,尤其是在娜塔莎的哈哈大笑声中,他用右手挥动一下,腾空画了一个圆圈。


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