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My Sovereign Mama, I am back again to follow your steps. Your love binds me, and like powerful magnet, it keeps me fixed and all intent on listening to the beautiful lessons of my Mama. But this is not enough for me; if You love me as your child, enclose me in the Kingdom of the Divine Will in which You lived and live, and close the doors in such a way that, even if I wanted, I would no longer be able to go out. So, as Mother and child, we will live common life and will both be happy.
Mi soberana Mamá, estoy de regreso para seguir tus pasos. Tu amor me ata y como imán potente me tiene fija y toda atenta a escuchar las bellas lecciones de mi Mamá, pero esto no me basta, si me amas como hija enciérrame dentro del reino de la Divina Voluntad, donde viviste y vives, y ciérrame la puerta de modo que, aunque lo quisiera, no pueda salirme más.


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