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Author: EurLex-2


Жалба срещу Решение на Общия съд (шести състав) от 9 март 2011 г. по дело Longevity Health Products/СХВП — Performing Science (5 HTP) (T-190/09), постановено по жалба срещу решението на четвърти апелативен състав на СХВП от 21 април 2009 г. (преписка R 595/2008-4) в производство за обявяване на недействителност със страни Performing Science LLC и Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Отличителен характер на словния знак „5 HTP“
Kasační opravný prostředek podaný proti rozsudku Tribunálu (šestého senátu) ze dne 9. března 2011 — Longevity Health Products v. OHIM — Performing Science (5 HTP), jehož předmětem je žaloba podaná proti rozhodnutí čtvrtého odvolacího senátu OHIM ze dne 21. dubna 2009 (věc R 595/2008-4), týkající se řízení o prohlášení neplatnosti mezi Performing Science LLC a Longevity Health Products Inc. — Rozlišovací způsobilost slovního označení 5 HTP.
Appel af dom afsagt af Retten (Sjette Afdeling) den 9. marts 2011 i sag T-190/09, Longevity Health Products mod KHIM — Performing Science (5 HTP) vedrørende et søgsmål til prøvelse af afgørelse truffet den 21. april 2009 af Fjerde Appelkammer ved Harmoniseringskontoret (sag R 595/2008-4), der vedrørte en ugyldighedssag mellem Performing Science LLC og Longevity Health Products, Inc. — fornødent særpræg ved ordmærket 5 HTP
Rechtsmittel gegen das Urteil des Gerichts (Sechste Kammer) vom 9. März 2011, Longevity Health Products/HABM — Performing Science (5 HTP) (T-190/09), über eine Klage gegen die Entscheidung der Vierten Beschwerdekammer des HABM vom 21. April 2009 (Sache R 595/2008-4) zu einem Nichtigkeitsverfahren zwischen der Performing Science LLC und der Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Unterscheidungskraft des Wortzeichens 5 HTP
Αναίρεση κατά της αποφάσεως του Γενικού Δικαστηρίου (έκτο τμήμα) της 9ης Μαρτίου 2011 — Longevity Health Products κατά ΓΕΕΑ — Performing Science (5 HTP) (T-190/09), με αντικείμενο προσφυγή κατά της αποφάσεως του τετάρτου τμήματος προσφυγών του ΓΕΕΑ της 21ης Απριλίου 2009 (υπόθεση R 595/2008-4), σχετικά με διαδικασία κηρύξεως ακυρότητας μεταξύ των Performing Science LLC και Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Διακριτικός χαρακτήρας του λεκτικού σημείου 5 HTP
Appeal against the judgment of the General Court (Sixth Chamber) of 9 March 2011 in Case T-190/09 Longevity Health Products v OHIM — Performing Science (5 HTP) relating to an action brought against the decision of the Fourth Board of Appeal of OHIM of 21 April 2009 (Case R 595/2008-4) concerning invalidity proceedings between Performing Science LLC and Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Distinctive character of the word sign 5 HTP
Recurso de casación interpuesto contra la sentencia del Tribunal General (Sala Sexta) de 9 de marzo de 2011, Longevity Health Products/OAMI — Performing Science (5 HTP) (T-190/09), que tiene por objeto un recurso interpuesto contra la resolución de la Cuarta Sala de Recurso de la OAMI de 21 de abril de 2009 (asunto R 595/2008-4), relativa a un procedimiento de nulidad entre Performing Science LLC y Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Carácter distintivo del signo denominativo 5 HTP.
Valitus unionin yleisen tuomioistuimen (kuudes jaosto) asiassa T-190/09, Longevity Health Products v. SMHV — Performing Science (5 HTP), 9.3.2011 antamasta tuomiosta, joka koskee valitusta SMHV:n neljännen valituslautakunnan 21.4.2009 tekemästä päätöksestä (asia R 595/2008-4), joka liittyy Performing Science LLC:n ja Longevity Health Products, Inc.:n väliseen mitättömyysmenettelyyn — Sanamerkin 5 HTP erottamiskyky
Pourvoi formé contre l'arrêt du Tribunal (sixième chambre) du 9 mars 2011 — Longevity Health Products/OHMI — Performing Science (5 HTP) (T-190/09), ayant pour objet un recours formé contre la décision de la quatrième chambre de recours de l'OHMI du 21 avril 2009 (affaire R 595/2008-4), relative à une procédure de nullité entre Performing Science LLC et Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Caractère distinctif du signe verbal 5 HTP
Impugnazione proposta contro la sentenza del Tribunale (Sesta Sezione) del 9 marzo 2011 — Longevity Health Products/UAMI — Performing Science (5 HTP), (T-190/09), avente ad oggetto un ricorso proposto avverso la decisione della quarta commissione di ricorso dell’UAMI del 21 aprile 2009 (procedimento R 595/2008-4), relativa ad un procedimento di dichiarazione di nullità tra la Performing Science LLC e la Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Carattere distintivo del segno denominativo 5 HTP.
Apeliacinis skundas dėl 2011 m. kovo 9 d. Bendrojo Teismo (šeštoji kolegija) priimto sprendimo byloje T-190/09 Longevity Health Products, Inc. prieš VRDT — Performing Science LLC (5 HTP), susijusio su ieškiniu dėl 2009 m. balandžio 21 d. VRDT ketvirtosios apeliacinės tarybos sprendimo (byla R 595/2008-4), susijusio su prekių ženklo pripažinimo negaliojančiu procedūra tarp Performing Science LLC ir Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Žodinio žymens „5 HTP“ skiriamieji požymiai.
Apelācijas sūdzība par Vispārējās tiesas (sestā palāta) 2011. gada 9. marta spriedumu lietā T-190/09 — Longevity Health Products/ITSB — Performing Science (“5 HTP”) saistībā ar prasību, kas celta par ITSB Apelāciju ceturtās padomes 2009. gada 21. aprīļa lēmumu lietā R 595/2008-4 attiecībā uz spēkā neesamības atzīšanas procesu starp Performing Science LLC un Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Vārdiska apzīmējuma “5 HTP” atšķirtspēja
Appell mis-sentenza tal-Qorti Ġenerali (Is-Sitt Awla) tad-9 ta’ Marzu 2011 — Longevity Health Products vs UASI — Performing Science (5 HTP), (T-190/09), li għandha bħala suġġett rikors ippreżentat kontra d-deċiżjoni tar-Raba’ Bord tal-Appell tal-UASI tal-21 ta’ April 2009 (Każ R 595/2008-4), dwar proċedimenti għal dikjarazzjoni ta’ invalidità bejn Performing Science LLC u Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Karattru distintiv tas-sinjal verbal 5 HTP
Hogere voorziening tegen het arrest van het Gerecht (Zesde kamer) van 9 maart 2011 — Longevity Health Products/BHIM — Performing Science (5 HTP) (T-190/09) betreffende een beroep tegen de beslissing van de vierde kamer van beroep van het BHIM van 21 april 2009 (zaak R 595/2008-4) inzake een nietigheidsprocedure tussen Performing Science LLC en Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Onderscheidend vermogen van het woordteken 5 HTP
Recurso interposto do acórdão do Tribunal de Primeira Instância (atual Tribunal Geral) (Sexta Secção) de 9 de março de 2011 — Longevity Health Products/IHMI — Performing Science (5 HTP) (T-190/09), que tem por objeto um recurso interposto da decisão da Quarta Câmara de Recurso do IHMI de 21 de abril de 2009 (processo R 595/2008-4), relativa a um processo de declaração de nulidade entre a Performing Science LLC e a Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Caráter distintivo do sinal nominativo 5 HTP
Recurs formulat împotriva Hotărârii Tribunalului (Camera a șasea) din 9 martie 2011, Longevity Health Products/OAPI — Performing Science (5 HTP) (T-190/09), având ca obiect o acțiune formulată împotriva Deciziei Camerei a patra de recurs a OAPI din 21 aprilie 2009 (cauza R 595/2008-4) referitoare la o procedură de declarare a nulității între Performing Science LLC și Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Caracterul distinctiv al semnului verbal 5 HTP
Odvolanie proti rozsudku Všeobecného súdu (šiesta komora) z 9. marca 2011 — Longevity Health Products/ÚHVT — Performing Science (5 HTP) (T-190/09) vo veci žaloby podanej proti rozhodnutiu štvrtého odvolacieho senátu ÚHVT z 21. apríla 2009 (vec R 595/2008-4) týkajúcemu sa konania o vyhlásenie neplatnosti medzi Performing Science LLC a Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Rozlišovacia spôsobilosť slovného označenia 5 HTP
(T-190/09), rörande en talan mot harmoniseringsbyråns fjärde överklagandenämnds beslut av den 21 april 2009 (mål R 595/2008-4), vilket rörde ett ogiltighetsförfarande mellan Performing Science LLC och Longevity Health Products, Inc. — Ordkännetecknet 5 HTP:s särskiljningsförmåga


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