Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -4379600864411129320



Since he first became captain when he was twenty, except for a few years during which he worked as a crew member on a merchant ship, he has never not been a captain. The memory of his first outing as captain, of passing through the rough waves of the East China Sea and returning with a boat so full of croakers and bass it was almost sinking—that memory will soon be nothing more than the dim memory of a middle-aged island man who has lost his boat.
그냥 섬사람인 것이다. 선장을 처음 맡았던 스무 살 이래, 몇 년간의 상선 선원생활을 빼고는, 선장 명함을 내놓은 적이 한 번도 없었다. 선장으로서 첫 행보 때 동지나해 거친 파도 뚫고 나아가 배 가라앉을 정도로 민어와 농어를 잡아 만선으로 돌아오던 그 기억은 이제 배 잃은 섬 중년의 아련한 추억으로만 남을 것이다.


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